
  • CAS Guest House

    Address: Zhonguancun Beiertiao 7, Beijing
    Tel +86-10-62626465

    Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort

  • Wenjin Hotel

    Address: Chengfu Road, Haidian, Beijing
    Tel +86-10-62525566

  • www.wenjin.com.cn/

  • Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort

    CAS Guest House is a hotel for visitors to CAS, it is good for students in quality and cost (about 250-300 RMB=40-45USD/day). And the lecture will be taken at the 5th floor of this hotel. We suggest the speaker live in another hotel near to CAS Guest house, that is Wenjin Hotel which is 500 meters far away from the CAS Guest House.
    We can make hotel reservation for all students and speakers before they arrive, please just let us know your name, passport number and check-in/out time.
    (Please contact: zhouweiwei@mail.iee.ac.cn)
