Annual report on technical and industrial development of electric vehicle
power supply and drive in China
Electrical Vehicle Committee, China Electrotechnical Society
Abstract: The annual report recaps 2013’s new energy electric vehicle (EV) promotion policies and their influ⁃
ence in China. The discussion and summary focus on the current technologies and their trends regarding the new
energy electric bus and charging infrastructures, two important elements in the new energy electric vehicle promo⁃
tion campaign. The EV bus technology, one of the most advanced technologies in the world, has been spread out to
any manufacturers and was used in city public transportation and city sanitation transportation since 2008. The big⁃
gest battery charge and swap station has been completed and used in 2013 and the open infrastructure market will
accelerate the new energy electric vehicle promotion.
Key words: new energy vehicle; battery powered electric bus; plug⁃in hybrid electric bus; charge infrastructure
Semi⁃analytical analysis on system parameters of inductive
pulsed power supply
DING Jian⁃min, YU Xin⁃jie, LI Zhen
(State Key Laboratory of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: For performance analysis of inductive pulsed power supplies, a method of semi⁃analytical parametric a⁃
nalysis based on theoretical derivation combined with numerical computation is proposed. Taking the STRETCH
meat grinder circuit as an example, this paper has selected two key parameters during stage of system design and
operation, i. e. charging cut⁃off current I0 and inductance ratio nL . Current and voltage of any branch can be calcu⁃
lated based on time⁃slicing Laplace transformation and numerical calculation. Thus eight performance indices, i. e.
charging time T0, charging efficiency η, primary / secondary current multiplication ratio m1 / m2, ratio of the maxi⁃
mum capacitive energy over the total inductive energy ηC , the maximum voltage across the main switch Vsopm, muz⁃
zle velocity proportional term ∝ v, total energy loss caused by the inductors’ internal resistances ER , can be easily
obtained. The influences of the operation parameter I0 and the design parameter I0 and nL on the indices are particu⁃
larly discussed. The change trend of any concerned index with one or more arbitrary parameters can be drawn in a
diagram easily by using this method, thus the influences and sensitivities of component and control parameters on
performance indices can be discovered quickly in order to select suitable parameters.
Key words: inductive pulsed power supply; semi⁃analytical method; performance indices; parametric analysis
Research on digital control technology of MCM Boost PFC
WANG Wu1, YE Kai⁃ming1,2, CHEN Hao⁃long1, CAI Feng⁃huang1, HONG Qiao⁃wen1
(1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China;
2. State Grid Quanzhou Power Supply Company, Quanzhou 362000, China)
Abstract: In order to overcome the problems when the Boost PFC converter has to be operated with a wide range of
output power, as in uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), a novel mixed conduction mode (MCM) digital control
strategy with fixed switching frequency is proposed in this paper. This control strategy is composed of a current con⁃
trol loop and a voltage control loop. The voltage control loop guarantees the steady of the output voltage, while the
current control loop comprises two control laws (one for the continuous conduction mode (CCM) and another for
the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM)) and operation mode selection algorithm, which is responsible for de⁃
tecting the operation mode and selecting the appropriate control law. The operating principle and the advantages of
this control strategy are analyzed, and the corresponding digital control solution is designed based on DSP. Simula⁃
tion and experimental results confirm the effective and reliability of the proposed control strategy. Key words: power factor correction; digital control; mixed conduction mode (MCM)
Research of frequency conversion screw compressor on permanent
motor rotor structure
CHEN Li⁃xiang, CHU Shuai⁃jun
(National Engineering Research Center for REPM Electrical Machine Shenyang University of Technology,
Shenyang 110870, China)
Abstract: Permanent magnet frequency screw compressor is the future development trend of the screw compressor.
In this paper, a 45kW/4000rpm compressor with permanent magnet motor rotor structure is studied. It is mainly di⁃
vided into the following several aspects: first, using finite element method to analyze the magnetic bridge width af⁃
fect the performance of motor; second, non⁃uniform air⁃gap method is used to optimize the rotor structure and to an⁃
alyze the effect of the non⁃uniform air⁃gap on the performance of motor; and third, using ANSYS finite element soft⁃
ware to calculate the mechanical strength of the rotor structure and to verify the security of the motor. Key words: screw compressor; magnetic bridge width; permanent magnet motor; mechanical strength calculation
Simulation and analysis of power frequency electric field in substation
based on charge simulation method
XU Lu⁃wen1, LUO Peng2, ZOU An⁃xin1, LI Yong⁃ming2, FU Zhi⁃hong2
(1. Chongqing Electric Power Test & Research Institute, Chongqing 401123, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,
Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)
Abstract: With the increasing demand for electricity supply, EHV substations are having access to the public, thus
the assessment of power frequency electromagnetic field inside high voltage substation becomes quite important. This
paper presents a kind of improved algorithm of charge simulation method and deduces the electric field distribution
around the charged body to calculate power frequency electric fields that is 1 5m over the ground surface by model⁃
ing the 500kV substation. CDEGS is used to analyze a 500kV substation in Chongqing. Numerical results are com⁃
pared to the measured values and the simulation results. Comparison shows good agreement, thus approving applica⁃
bility of the proposed approach in analysis of other areas inside substation. Three paths in the substation are select⁃
ed, predicting electric field intensity distribution, which can provide reference for the research on the power fre⁃
quency electric field distribution of transformer substation. Key words: substation; power frequency electric field; charge simulation method; simulation analysis; CDEGS
Analysis and validation of flux and iron loss inside two kinds of magnetic
shielding of power transformer
FAN Ya⁃na1, LIU Yang1, MA Guang2, YANG Fu⁃yao2, KONG Xiao⁃feng3, WANG Bin3
(1. Baoding Tianwei Group Co. LTD. , Baoding 071056, China;
2. State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute, Beijing 102211, China;
3. State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company, Jinhua 321000, China)
Abstract: A precise measurement method of stray⁃field loss in structural parts of power transformers is proposed.
The leakage flux distribution of no⁃load condition can be commendably compensated as load condition by introdu⁃
cing two compensatory coils. Difference of coil losses in no⁃load condition and load condition can be reduced,
which is a problem in the traditional measurement method. By this method the loss of the structure can be measured
more accurately. The stray⁃field loss of two kinds of magnetic shielding and magnetic steel in different exciting cur⁃
rents were measured and calculated in this paper. The distribution of the silicon sheets along the laminated direction
was investigated, which is very useful for simulation engineer to optimize simulation modeling. By comparing the
measured and calculated results, the proposed methods are validated. And the proposed method can be used to ver⁃
ify the validity of the calculation method of the electromagnetic field and the loss under different conditions.
Key words: magnetic field analysis; magnetic flux density; finite element method; transformer
New approach to detect fault line in resonant earthed system
using affine moment invariants
XU Ye, GUO Mou⁃fa, YANG Geng⁃jie, GAO Wei, MIAO Xi⁃ren
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China)
Abstract: The analysis of the characteristic of neutral point resonant earthed system with single⁃phase⁃to⁃ground
fault is made. The result shows that the similarities of zero sequence current waveforms between the fault line and
each healthy line are below those between healthy lines, and zero sequence current of the fault line is in opposite
polarity as those of healthy lines in initial stage of single⁃phase⁃to⁃ground fault. This situation remains during high
resistance grounded fault. Affine moment invariants can just reflect the overall shape and polarity of each zero se⁃
quence current without influence from affine transformation (such as rotation, translation and scale), and has a
strong anti⁃jamming capability. The fault line is detected according to the pedigree clustering analysis of affine mo⁃
ment invariants which is extracted from transient zero⁃sequence current waveforms of each line. Substantial simula⁃
tions are conducted among various kinds of fault conditions. The results in various fault conditions show that the
method is flexible and reliable. Key words: resonant earthed system; fault line detection; affine moment invariants; clustering analysis
Spinning reserve optimization of power system with grid connected
wind power at different time scales considering seasonal difference
WEN Bu⁃ying, LU Peng⁃ming
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract: In view of the large seasonal difference of wind power output and load demand, and also the smaller er⁃
rors in prediction of wind power and load forecast at shorter time period, the paper establishes a mathematical model
for the power system with grid connected wind power and with consideration of seasonal difference and spinning re⁃
serve capacity for different time periods. In light of seasonal difference in wind power output and load demand, the
paper analyses the spinning reserve optimization scheme in different seasons by using the method of power system
spinning reserve configuration.
Key words: wind power grid connection; seasonal difference; spinning reserve; different time scales
Research on control strategies of HVDC in commutation failure
ZHANG Qing⁃wu, CHEN Le, LU Jiang, WANG Yong⁃ping
(Nari⁃relays Electric Co. Ltd. , Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: The selection and configuration of the control strategies have great influences on the steady state and dy⁃
namic performance of HVDC. Based on the RTDS model with actual engineering parameters and the prototype of
control and protection system for UHVDC, a closed⁃loop simulation system was developed. This paper has built two
kinds of HVDC control systems at the inverter side, one is based on the voltage control strategy, and the other is
based on the extinction angle control strategy. By simulating ground fault in the AC system at the inverter side, the
impact of the control strategies on the occurrence of commutation failure is compared. The results show that the
effects of the two control strategies for preventing commutation failure are basically the same.
Key words: UHVDC (ultra high voltage direct current); control strategy; commutation failure; voltage controller;
extinction angle controller; RTDS (real⁃time digital simulation)
Model of optimal load shedding program for reliability assessment
of composite generation and transmission system
RONG Ya⁃jun, MA Xiu⁃rui, YANG Wei
(Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province,
School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China)
Abstract: In the process of power system reliability analysis, the system state analysis is the most important and the
most time consuming. Especially, it needs a lot of system analysis, when the state sampling uses the enumeration
method or Monte⁃Carlo simulation method. This paper proposed the method of the minimum load shedding accord⁃
ing to the load important degree and area nearby principle. Importance principle reflected that in cutting load the
reduction is in accordance with the load level, making load cutting more close to the actual cutting load conditions.
Area nearby principle makes the cutting load point is no longer extending to the scope of the whole system, greatly
reducing the computing time, and makes cutting load in the area more likely to get the optimal value. The calcula⁃
tion and analysis results from such reliability test system of an IEEE⁃RTS79 show that the method of the load shed⁃
ding has obvious advantages in reducing computing time, and load shedding is also more practical.
Key words: power system reliability; system state analysis; minimum load shedding; area nearby principle; im⁃
portance principle
Control design of resonant wireless power transmission
based on class E power amplifier
LI Yan⁃hong1, ZHANG Chao1, LIU Guo⁃qiang1, GAO Feng2, MAO Yan⁃peng2
(1. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. College of Electronic Information and Control Engineering, Beijing University
of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)
Abstract: The wireless power transmission technology based on resonant coupling can realize middle distance power
transmission without physical contact. The bottleneck of this technology is transmission distance and efficiency. Cir⁃
cuit theory and calculation of mutual inductance between the transmitting and receiving coil are used to model and
simulate the characteristic of the resonant wireless power transmission system. The system of wireless power trans⁃
mission based on class E power amplifier is designed in this paper. The main reasons for the loss of the amplifier
during power transmission have been determined through switching process analysis of the class E power amplifier.
The frequency control circuit based on pulse detection is designed, and the design can determine the state of the
system and adjust optimal driving frequency by detecting the output voltage of MOSFET, then the class E power am⁃
plifier can be adjusted quickly when the load changes. This control method significantly improves the transmission
efficiency and power of the system.
Key words: wireless power transmission; magnetic coupling resonance; class E power amplifier; pulse detection
D⁃STATCOM capacity allocation methods and analysis
of application effect on distribution system
CAO Hua⁃zhen1, HUANG Chun⁃yan2, ZHANG Yong⁃jun3
(1. Grid Planning & Research Center, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080, China;
2. Guangzhou Power Electric Technology Co. Ltd. , Guangzhou 510640, China; 3. School of Electric Power,
South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: The distribution network structure is complex and the fluctuation of loads is so great that it is easy to
cause the voltage fluctuation and instability. The quality of power supply and safety and economy of consumer are
influenced seriously. The adoption of new technology is necessary to mitigate the voltage fluctuation and instability
to meet the requirements of users. The primary objectives of STATCOM applied to transmission system are control⁃
ling power flow efficiently and improving the stability, reliability and the transmission capacity of power system.
STATCOM is called D⁃STATCOM when it is applied to distribution system, and its primary objectives are compen⁃
sating the reactive power and improving the power quality of distribution system. This paper gives a brief introduc⁃
tion to the structure and operational principle of D⁃STATCOM, and puts forward to the Applicable Capacity Alloca⁃
tion Methods of D⁃STATCOM, respectively, based on the reactive electricity quantities, the reactive power wastage
of impulse source and the voltage fluctuation limit of PCC point. At last, the application effect of D⁃STATCOM on
the transformer substations of Guangdong Power Grid is analyzed. The study indicates that the D⁃STATCOM can ef⁃
fectively solve the voltage fluctuation and unstable problems of the near district power grid.
Key words: D⁃STATCOM; capacity allocation; distribution system; voltage fluctuation; impulse source
Application of parallel adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm in
reactive power optimization of power system
WANG Xiu⁃yun1, LI Chao1, ZHAO Yu2, CHEN Ya⁃xiao2
(1. School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China;
2. Liaocheng Power Supply Company, Liaocheng 252000, China)
Abstract: Based on the particle sward optimization (PSO), bionic particle sward optimization (BPSO) algorithm
is presented in this paper which follows the biological feature of group optimizing. In the early period, group is dy⁃
namically divided into several subgroups, each of which is relatively independent and evolves towards one target.
Members change rapidly as the procedure of evolution proceeds. The latter increases the exchange of information
between subgroups, and so the algorithm converges faster. Not only can this algorithm enrich the variety of popula⁃
tion and avoid converging the local optimal solution, but it can also attain a fairly high rate of convergence. In this
paper, the algorithm is applied in the reactive power optimization of power system. Compared with the standard
PSO, the algorithm is proved to be feasible and practicable through simulation of IEEE30 bus system and IEEE118
bus system.
Key words: power system; reactive power optimization; bionic; group; particle sward optimization