
IEEE-NANO 2007 at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
作者:李晓南  日期:2006-12-18  信息来源:http://www.nanovip.com/node/2010   【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

     IEEE纳米技术委员会将在香港国际会展中心举办第7届纳米技术大会,时间为2007年7月24日00:00 至 2007年7月26日23:59,欲知详情请登陆www.ieee-nano.org。以下信息来源于http://www.nanovip.com/node/2010

Long description:

     Nanotechnology research has focus primarily on molecular manufacturing -- the creation of tools, materials, and machines that will eventually enable us "to snap together the fundamental building blocks of nature easily, inexpensively and in most of the ways permitted by the laws of physics." A leading nanotech scientist describes past efforts at molecular level manufacturing as attempts to assemble LEGO pieces while wearing boxing gloves. Nanotechnology, he believes, will enable us to take off the gloves and build extraordinary things.

     Apart from the scientific sessions the conference also offers a range of sponsorship packages for the industrial and non-industrial organization to demonstrate their products and services. We would like to invite you to take this excellent opportunity for advertising your company and products to the nanotechnology professionals from all over the world.

     While different types of sponsorships are printed on the attached brochure, other suggestions on sponsorship types are also welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us as for more details.

     We look forward to your support to make this world conference most successful.

Event precise location and contact information:

     Maggie Mak
     Conference Secretariat
     7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology
     c/o MV Destination Management Ltd.
     Flat D, 8/F, Kim Tak Building
     328 Nathan Road, Jordon
     Kln, Hong Kong
     Tel: (852) 2735 8118
     Dir: (852) 3526 1289
