会议名称 |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)2007 |
会议主题 |
radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering, guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all other modern developments |
会议类型 |
international forum |
会议学科 |
会议检索 |
会议时间 |
27 - 30 March 2007
会议地点 |
Beijing |
会议主办 |
The Electromagnetics Academy
会议承办 |
会议协办 |
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Beijing Institute of Technology
Zhejiang University
The Electromagnetics Academy at Zhejiang University
The Electromagnetics Academy
MIT Center for Electromagnetic Theory and Applications/Research Laboratory of Electronics |
会议主席 |
J. A. Kong |
会议投稿 |
截稿日期:7 SEPTEMBER 2006 |
会议网站 |
http://piers.mit.edu/piers2k7Beijing/index.php |
会议联系 |
E-mail:piers@ewt.mit.edu and/or tpc@piers.org |
会议相关 |
http://www.sciei.com科研中国 |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the modern development of electromagnetic theory and its new and exciting applications. Spectra ranges from statics to RF, microwave, photonics, and beyond. Topics include radiation, propagation, diffraction, scattering, guidance, resonance, power, energy and force issues, and all other modern developments. Potential session organizers are welcome to propose specific technical topics by filling out the PIERS survey.
1 Electromagnetic theory
2 Computational electromagnetics, hybrid methods
3 Spectra, time, and frequency domain techniques
4 Fast iteration, large scale and parallel computation
5 Transmission lines and waveguide discontinuities
6 Resonators, filters, interconnects, packaging, MMIC
7 Antenna theory and radiation
8 Microstrip and printed antennas, phase array antennas
9 RF and wireless communication, multipath
10 Mobile antennas, conformal and smart skin antennas
11 Power electronics, superconducting devices
12 Systems and components, electromagnetic compatibility
13 Nano scale electromagnetics, MEMS
14 Magnetic levitation, transportation and collision avoidance
15 Precision airport landing systems, GPS
16 Radar sounding of atmosphere, ionospheric propagation
17 Microwave remote sensing and polarimetry, SAR
18 Subsurface imaging and detection technology, GPR
19 Active and passive remote sensing systems
20 Electromagnetic signal processing, wavelets, neural network
21 Rough surface scattering and volume scattering
22 Remote sensing of the earth, ocean, and atmosphere
23 Scattering, diffraction, and inverse scattering
24 Microwave and millimeter wave circuits and devices, CAD
25 Optics and photonics, gyrotrons, THz technology
26 Quantum well devices, microwave photonic systems, PBG
27 Medical electromagnetics, biological effects, MRI
28 Fiber optics, optical sensors, quantum computing
29 Biological media, composite and random media
30 Plasmas, nonlinear media, fractal, chiral media, LHM
31 Constitutive relations and bianisotropic media
32 Moving media, relativity, field quantization, and others
Paper Guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit papers of 1-5 pages in English. The paper should explain clearly the content and relevance of the proposed technical contribution. Accepted papers will be published in PIERS on-line Proceedings after the author is preregistered. A CD-ROM, instead of printed hard copies, will be attached to the printed Technical Program of PIERS 2007 in Beijing.
On a separate page list the following information: (1) Title of the paper, (2) Name, affiliation and email of each author, (3) Mailing address, (4) Telephone/Fax numbers, (5) Corresponding author and presenting author, (6) Topic or Session Organizer, if applicable, (7) State if poster presentation is preferred.
Paper Submission:
Please use On-Line-Submission to submit your paper or via email by attachments. Authors are recommended to use *.tex, *.doc, or *.pdf as the file format. If paper is in *.pdf format, please also submit the original figure files.
The paper submission deadline is 7 September 2006 and the author pre-registration deadline is 7 November 2006.
Each presenting author is limited to presenting no more than three papers in oral and poster sessions, and must preregister by paying a non-refundable fee of US$395 before 7 November 2006. For students with valid identification, the non-refundable pre-registration fee is US$195. Registration fee will be raised to $500 after 7 November 2006. Papers will be posted in their entirety on the web after the pre-registration is completed.
Instruction for Authors
Authors are invited to submit papers of 1-5 pages in English. Author(s) of the papers, when accepted, will receive instructions for pre-registration from PIERS Office. The presenting author is required to pre-register and pay a non-refundable pre-registration fee to PIERS Office. Each presenting author is limited to presenting no more than three papers. Inclusion of the paper in the Technical Program and PIERS Proceedings is guaranteed only after the pre-registration of the presenting author is completed.
Authors will be informed with username and password to login webpage when the paper is accepted. Authors can proofread papers, download Invitation Letters after login.
Instruction for Session Organizers
For session organization, please go to PIERS SURVEY
Session organizers or invited participants may be receiving multiple invitations from members of the various PIERS Committees or other session organizers. One need not be overly concerned with a session topic that might be in conflict or overlapping with topics of other sessions. Multiple sessions in the same technical area will serve to enhance the strength and interest of the area at the Symposium. The Technical Committee will schedule sessions of similar topics at different times over the Symposium period.
Each organized session should have eight to eleven papers that will not be subject to the regular review cycle. The session organizer have full authority in soliciting and accepting papers for the session. The allocated presentation time for each paper is 20 minutes that includes the time for questions from the audience. Each author is limited to presenting no more than three papers (including poster papers) at the Symposium and is required to register in advance. The names of the session organizers will be listed under PIERS organization on the web page, and in the printed version of all PIERS publications when more than 5 papers of an organized session are received. The session organizer can then designate a chair and a co-chair for the session.
There is no financial subsistence provided for our invitees.
Please use ON-LINE registration or send all registration material and information, specifying presenting author and paper key(s), to:
PIERS Office
c/o Professor J. A. Kong
Room 26-305
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Fax: +86-571-8820-6587
E-mail: piers@ewt.mit.edu and/or tpc@piers.org
PIERS07 Publications
Publications related to PIERS2007 will be
Technical Program
PIERS2007 Online Proceedings in Electronic Version
For Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA) or Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) paper submission, please visit,
JEMWA/PIER Online Submission
JEMWA Contents
JEMWA Main Page
JEMWA-ON-LINE Subscription: Special Offer