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  日期:2007-06-04     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:



保护物种 Species Protection

1.     拒食野生动物 Don’t eat wild animals

2.     到野外观鸟去 Go bird-watching

3.     拒绝购买以濒危物种为原料的中药材 Don’t buy Chinese Traditional Medicine containing wildlife

4.     不买皮草以免危害野生生物 Don’t buy leather to protect wild animals

森林保护 Forest Protection

5.     自带筷子 Re-use your chopsticks

6.     拒绝购买珍贵木材用品 Don’t buy rare wooden products

7.     习惯随身带手帕,少用纸巾,减少树木砍伐 Re-use your handkerchief instead of paper handkerchief

8.     双面使用每张纸 Use both sides of a piece of paper

淡水资源保护 Freshwater Protection

9.     使用节水型用具 Use water saving appliances

10.   外出用餐,拒绝更换餐碟 Don’t replace your dishware to save water

11.   多用淋浴少用浴缸 Use shower instead of bathtub

12.   使用磷洗衣Use phosphorus-free washing powder

防止气候变化 Prevent Climate Change

13.   购买无氟冰箱 Purchase freon free refrigerator

14.   随手关灯,节约能源 Turn off the light whenever you leave

15.   别让屋里太冷或太热 Reduce your heating and air-condition

16.   干洗衣服耗用化学物质污染环境,可免则免. Reduce dry cleaning

17.   使用可再生能源绿色电力,如太阳能电力、风电等 Use renewable energy green power, such as solar energy, wind power

可持续消费 Sustainable Consumption

18.   用柠檬及炭等消除异味,代替化学空气清新剂 Use lemon or active carbon instead of chemistry clearing

19.   消除用电器隐性耗能,如待机状态 Reduce “standby ” to save energy

20.   拒绝过度包装 Refuse over package

21.   减少使用非必需的电器 (电动牙刷等) Refuse needless electricity(such as electric toothbrush )

22.   使用节能灯 Use energy-saving lamps

23.   郊游及远足自备水壶,少买包装饮料 Prepare water with your canteen as on a hike

24.   尽量用蓄电池或可充电电池,少用普通电池 Use re-charging batteries

25.   减少购买快速及空运来的食品,远程运输耗用大量能源,污染环境 Reduce airlift food to save transportation energy


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