
Proposal on Establishing Sustainable Training Facility in Rural Renewable Energy Power Supply in China
  日期:2008-04-07     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Proposal on Establishing Sustainable Training Facility in Rural Renewable Energy Power Supply in China
【Issued Date】:  2005
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
【Contact Phone】:





Rural electrification is the basis of rural modernization and important constitution of industrial modernization. Agriculture, countryside and farmers are important questions concerning the reform and open in China and modernization. Without rural electrification, there will be neither agricultural modernization nor modernization of national economy and the farmers’ life will not be improved. Either developed countries or developing countries, development of rural electrification is closely linked with the development of national economy. In China, it is a great and arduous, historical task to promote agricultural production, flourishing of rural economy and improving of farmers life by firmly promoting rural electrification. Rural RE power is becoming a tremendous industry soon, and the sustainable training facility of rural RE power supply is becoming urgent and strategic matter.
“Eleventh Five-Year Pan” and “State Long and middle-termed development layout” has put forward to develop power supply of renewable energy in the countryside and regard it as the important measure to promote the development of economy and society of the countryside.
In the next 15 years, “Solving the problem of power supply to the population with no power and improving the energy application of the farmers in their daily” is arranged as the important task of renewable energy.
With the establishing of China Rural RE power supply sustainable training mechanism, the following work has been summarized here.
   1) The present training demand, or the RE industry and the relative other industry, finance, economy, administrative management, quality supervision and so on, is analyzed;
   2) The training needs, for the RE directly concerned industries including R & D, system integration, engineering construction, manufacturing, market and sales, management and service, consultation, productive application and small scale commercialization, are predicted by using the production value of the RE in 2006-2020, according to the State 11th 5-year plan and State mid and long-term layout for RE;
   3) The necessity and strategic meaning of the establishing of China Rural RE power supply sustainable training mechanism are investigated;
   4) A complete set of the operable scheme of the Rural RE power supply sustainable training mechanism is presented here.
Establishing a complete set of reasonable, sustainable training mechanism is the key for realizing the sustainable training targets of renewable energy in rural areas. RE sustainable training mechanism should be included into the management service system of off-grid power supply in the rural areas and make it systematized and regularized.
Suggestion for establishing State level training organization of rural renewable energy power supply is put forward here.
With regard to the RE education of school, the suggestions are as follows,
Firstly, the content of renewable energy application should be added and included in the textbook of natural knowledge of primary and middle schools and to popularize the education of renewable energy. Secondly, the following measures should be taken to vocational schools and normal colleges and universities: (1) Favorable policies should be made to the areas with no power of the West and train the people for renewable energy of rural areas so as to improve the backward state of education and energy supply. (2) Setting up the course of ” Conspectus of new energy and renewable energy” in technical secondary and vocational schools and colleges and universities of science and technology as required courses will improve the understanding of renewable energy of the whole society. (3) State Ministry of Education should put forward the favorable policies in supporting more awarding places for bachelors, masters and doctors of new and renewable energy. (4) Due to actual and laggard condition of education, scientific research and personal resources, jointly running school by the East and West is adopted. The universities directly governed by the Ministry of Education and university of the provinces of the West will jointly train the high-level professional people in management and technology of renewable energy by favorable policies, basing on local condition and the principle of training for self and local using.

1.   Background

1.1   Status Of Rural Electrification And Power Supply By Renewable Energy In China
1.1.1  Status Of Rural Electrification In China
1.1.2  Renewable Energy Power In The Countryside Of China
1.2   Power Supply Of Renewable Energy In The Countryside Has Been Fixed In “Eleventh Five-Year Pan” And “State Long And Middle-Termed Development Layout”
1.3   The Developing Foreground Of Power Supply By Renewable Energy In The Countryside Of China
1.3.1  Resources Survey Of Renewable Energy In China
1.3.2  Market Foreground Of China Rural Electrification
1.4   The Present Condition And Foreground Of Power Supply By Renewable Energy In The Countryside Abroad
1.4.1  The Analysis On Present Condition Of Power Supply By Renewable Energy In The Countryside Abroad
1.4.2  The Analysis Of Development Foreground
2.   The Urgency And Strategic Importance Of Establishing The Sustainable Training Mechanisms Of Renewable Energy Power Supply In Rural Areas In China
2.1   Analysis On The Demand Of Personnel And Facilities
2.2   Status Of Training Of Rural Renewable Energy Power Supply In China
2.3   The Necessity And Strategic Meaning In Establishing The Sustainable Training Mechanisms In Power Supply By Renewable Energy Of Rural Areas In China
3.   Plan For Implementation
3.1   Total Guiding Principle
3.2   Targets In The Near Future And For Long Periods
3.3   The Measures For Establishing Long-Termed Training Facility
3.3.1  Establishment Of Training Organizations
3.3.2  Training Plan
3.3.3  Certificate Of Training Facility
3.3.4  Training Of Teachers
3.3.5  Teaching And Training Materials
3.3.6  Training Facilities And Conditions
3.3.7  Supervision And Examination Of Training And Quality Evaluation
3.4   Measures And Steps For Implementing Training
3.5   Schedule In Near-Term
3.6   Estimation Of The Training Budget During “11th Five-Year Plan”
3.7   Normal School Education
4.   Feasibility Analysis
4.1    Analysis From Technical Point Of View
4.2   Analysis From The Point Of Economical View
5.   Conclusions And Suggestions
5.1   Pressure, Necessity And Strategic Significance Of Establishing Re Sustainable Training Facility In China
5.2   Status Of Re Rural Power Supply Training And The Fundamental Concept For Establishing The Sustainable Facility In China
5.2.1  Object And Range Of Personnel Training
5.2.2  Constitution Of Training Facility
5.3   The Next-Step Plan And Suggestion
Table List
Table 1 The Share Of All Types Of PV Products In The Market And The Price (2003)
Table 2 The Main PV Projects In China
Table 3 Comparison Between China And Developed Countries
Table 4 China Non-Accesses To Power Villages And Households (2000)[4]
Table 5 Statistical Data Of Developing Countries Access To Electricity In 2000[8]
Table 6 Prediction Of The Demand Of Trainee In 2006-2020
Figure List
Fig1    In 1998-2003, Status Of The 14 REDP Project-Undertaking Companies
Fig 2   Prediction Of Small Wind Power Turbines In The United States And The World.
Fig 3   Global Population Without Access To Electricity (2002)
Appendix A:Statistic And Analysis If Trainiee Resource
Table A-1  The Number Of The Required Qualified Personnel And That Of The Existent Quanlified Personnel
Table A-2  The Number Of The Personnel Required To Be Trained
Table A-3  Summary Of Surrent Personnel Who Is Directly Involved With The Off-Grid PV And Wind Power In 2005
Table A-4  Proportion Of The Existent Qualified Personnel Who Owns Knowledge Level And Subject Required
Figure A-1 Distribution Of Personnel Required To Be Trained With Specific Category And Level Of Knowledge Involved
Table A-5  Prediction Of Employment In The Field Of Off-Grid PV And Wind Power With Specific Category And Level Of Invoelved Knowledge, According To The Industry Production Value Before 2020, Part I
Table A-6  Summsry Of Prediction Of Employment In The Field Of Off-Grid PV And Wind Power With Specific Category And Level Of Invoelved Knowledge, According To The Industry Production Value Before 2020, Part II
Figure A-2 Prediction Of Each Category And The Level Personnel Required To Be Trained
Table A-7  The Number Of Required Qualified Personnel Owning The Specific Level Knowledge Within Concerned Organizations
Table A-8  The Number Of Qualified Personnel Owning The Specific Level Knowledge Within Concerned Organizations
Table A-9  The Number Of Personnel Required To Be Trained Within Concerned Organizations And With The Specific Level Knowledge
Table A-10 Data Collection Of Personnel Required To Be Trained With The Different Kind And Different Level Of Required Knowledge
Figure A-3 Distributing Of The Personnel Required To Be Trained With The Different Kind And Different Level Of Required Knowledge
Table A-11 Required Training Houres For Each Of The Subject
Table A-12 Total Quantity Of The Class With 30 Persons Per Class
Table A-13 The Average Total Required Training Time With The Present Training Need
Appendix B: Power, Hydropower Education, Training, R & D Facilities Resources
Table B-1  (Faculty Or Depart.) Of Universities, Which Undertake The Task Of Electrical Power Faculty Education
Table B-2  The Universities, In Which The Specialtiy Of “Electrical System And Automation" Is Set
Table B-3  The Agricultural Universities, In Which Specialtiy Of "Rural Electrification And Automation" Is Set
Table B-4  Universities Of Science And Technology, Which Are Dominated By National Education Ministry
Table B-5  The Universities Un-Nominated By National Education Ministry
Table B-6  National Researching Institution
Table B-7  Technician Training Center, Adult Education System, Professional School Of Electrical Power (PartⅠ)
Table B-8  Technician Training Center, Adult Education System, Professional School Of Electrical Power (Part Ⅱ)
Table B-9  Water Conservancy, Hydro Power Universities, Profession And Technician Training Schools
Appendix C: Training References And Material
Table C-1  Solar Energy And Rural Electrician Technical Books And Training Courses
Table C-2  Wind Power Technical Books
Table C-3  Economic Analysis And Financing And Investment Books
Table C-4  Administry, Policy And Law Of Sustainable And Renewable Energy
Appendix D: Off-Grid Power Production Value And Employment And The Personnel Need To Be Trained In 2006-2020
Table D-1  The Annual Production Value Of The Off-Grid PV And Wind Turbine Equipment Manufacturing And Installation
Table D-2  The Annual Production Value Of Electricity Generation Of The Off-Grid PV, Mini-Grid And Household Wind Power System
Table D-3  Contribution Of Off-Grid PV And Wind Turbine To The Farmer And Herdsman Power Supply
Table D-4  Direct Employment With Total Production Value In The Field Of Off-Grid PV And Wind Power Changing , Before 2020, Part I
Table D-5  Data Collection Of Direct Employment With Total Production Value In The Field Of Off-Grid PV And Wind Power Changing , Before 2020, Part II
Appendix E: Personnel Training Level And Knowledge Strucuture Requirement
Table E-1  The Required Level And Qualification With The Trainee After Being Trained
Table E-2  The Concerned Knowledge Level-Grading And Classification Narration
Table E-3  Content Of The Four Categories Of The Knowledge
Table E-4  Special Topics And Appendix
Table E-5  Training Time With The Each Of The Special Subject, Hour
Table E-6  Trainee Quantity Necessary To Be Trained In 2005
Appendix F: Teachers Need For Trainee
Table F-1  Amount Of Average Class(Based On 2005 Training Demand)
Table F-2  Teachers Need Estimation For Training , Considering Geographical Distribution And Knowledge Feature
Table F-3  Total Teachers Need Estimation For Need Of Training In 2005 




·Suggestions on the Layout of PV Development of the “Eleventh Five Year Plan” in China [2008-04-07]
·Study and Evaluation to Public Bidding Documents of SDDX and KfW Solar Programs in China [2008-04-03]