
Proposal For Renewable Energy Rural Power Development
  日期:2008-04-07     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Proposal For Renewable Energy Rural Power Development
【Issued Date】:  Sep.2007
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
【Contact Phone】:






Chinese government decides to make great efforts to improve condition of country side and to increase income of peasants. In this case power consumption in rural sector will increase rapidly and steadily. To which extent the renewable energy should play to release pressure form both environment and resource sustainability is definitely a serious issue to be considered. This project is a proposal for renewable rural power development based on rural electrical power development during past and development plan by the electrical power industry. A special consideration will be given to how increase income of farmers by harnessing renewable energy.
The main contents of the project start report are as follow:
   1. Review and analysis of present situation of rural electrification and forecast its future development of China.
   2. Analysis of present situation of electrical power and forecast its future development of China.
   3. Review cases of previous projects of rural electrification in China and provide analyses of experiences and setbacks, and proposal for rural renewable energy power development.
   4. Analysis on current environmental impaction of traditional energy production and consumption, and provide evaluation on environment impaction of rural power development.
   5. Review and analysis of China renewable energy laws and regulations, and proposal for policy mechanism for rural electricity development.

1.  Background
2.  Mission And Goals Of The Project
3.  Current Situation And Outlook Of China Rural Power Development
3.1  Current Situation Of Rural Power Development
3.2   Outlook For Rural Power Development
4.  China’s Current Electricity Status And Its Outlook
4.1  Current Status Of Electricity Supply And Demand
4.2  ‘11th Five-Year Plan’ On Electricity Development
4.3  Outlook Of Power Demand And Supply
4.4  Impact Of Rural Electricity Demand On National Electricity System
5.  The Environment Impact Due To Rural Energy Production And Consumption
6.  Current Situation And Proposal For China Rural RE Power Development

6.1  Current Situation Of Renewable Energy Development
6.2  Status Of Chinese Rural RE Power Development
6.3  Proposal For Rural RE Power Development
7.  Policy Mechanism For China Rural Electricity Development
7.1  Renewable Energy Law Of China
7.2  Basics Of Renewable Energy Law
7.3  Additional Regulations To The Renewable Energy Law And Its Main Contents
7.4  Proposal On Policy Mechanism For Rural Electricity Development
Table List

Table 3-1 Electricity Consumption Per Capita In The Countryside Of 11 Eastern Provinces During 1999-2005
Table 3-2 Electricity Consumption Per Capita In The Countryside Of 8 Central Provinces During 1999-2005
Table 3-3 Electricity Consumption Per Capita In The Countryside Of 12 Western Provinces During 1999-2005
Table 3-4 Electricity Consumption Per Capita In China During 1999-2005
Table 3-5 Comparisons Of Electricity Consumption Per Capita During 1999-2005
Table 3-6 Comparisons Of Rural Income Per Capita During1990-2005.
Table 3-7 Prediction On Rural Residential Electricity Consumption Per Capita
Table 4-1 Comparison Of Power Usage Between China And Developed Countries
Table 4-2 Total Electricity Consumption And Equivalent Instalment Capacity In The Middle And Long Term
Table 4-3 Trend Of National And Rural Electricity Consumption
Table 5-1 Forecast To Increase Of Rural Power Consumption 2010-2050】
Table 5-2 Lost Value Due To Pollution And Emission Of Power Production For Rural Electricity Demands In 2005
Table 5-3 Lost Value Due To Pollution And Emission Of Power Production For Rural Electricity Demands In 2010
Table 5-4 Lost Value Due To Pollution And Emission Of Power Production For Rural Electricity Demands In 2020
Table 5-5 Lost Value Due To Pollution And Emission Of Power Production For Rural Electricity Demands In 2050
Table 6-1 China Renewable Energy Capacity And Exploration Ratio
Table 6-2 Completion Of “Electrifying Every Household” Of SGC (By May 2007)
Table 6-3 Statistics Of The Program Of “SDDX”
Table 6-4 Planning And Investment Of Sino-German Financial Cooperation Of The “PV Mini-Grids In The West” Project
Table 6-5 ROI Analysis Of Renewable Energy Resources
Figure List
Fig.3-1 Comparison On Rural Population In Different Area, 2005
Fig.3-2 Comparison On Rural Income (RMB) In Different Area, 2005.
Fig.3-3 Comparison On Rural Energy Consumption (Kwh) In Different Area, 2005.
Fig. 3-4 Increase Line Of Electricity Consumption Per Capita During 1999-2005.
Fig. 3-5 Increase Line Of Urban And Rural Households Income Per Capita During 1999-2005
Fig. 4-1 Prediction On National And Rural Electricity Consumption
Fig. 5-1 The Composition Of The Total CO2 Emission Of The World In 2004
Fig. 6-1 Energy Consumption From 1990-2003, China

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