
Study and Proposal for Quality Control Chain of RE off-grid Program
  日期:2008-04-09     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Study and Proposal for Quality Control Chain of RE off-grid Program
【Issued Date】:  Sep.2007
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
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Chinese Government have made a great efforts to electrify residents who are living in the remote areas by use of PV/wind off-grid power technologies since 2000, initiated with the Pilot Projects of the Brightness Program and A-Li PV project in Tibet. “SDDX” was the highlight of the Rural RE programs, which started in 2002, more than 700 mini-grid PV of PV hybrid systems were installed I 7 provinces. In the meanwhile Sino-German financial cooperation program ( KfW ), REDP ( GEF/World Bank/NDRC ), Lighting Silk Road Project ( Dutch aid) were carried out in parallel. However some problems occurred during the operation after the installation due to quality issues. It is founded that the quality problems are related to standards and regulations. Because the off-grid RE power is new, there is no complete quality system in China yet, it is not supprised to meet the problems during the operation.
The target of this study is to analyze the problems occurred in the off-grid PV and wind desemination projects, evaluate the existing quality control systems in China and present a concept of the Total Quality Control System for Rural Off-grid Power Application. It should be pointed out that the TQCS must be set up, in order to assure success and surstainability of rural RE power program, TQCS should covers all aspects including policy & regulation, project management, project preparation, opertimization, construction/installation/commissioning, O&M, training and so forth, in order to provide qualified, reliable and surstainable power supply.

1.   Background
2.   Project Objectives And Purposes
3.  General Situation Of PV Off-Grid Projects In China

3.1   Pilot Projects Of The “Brightness Program”
3.1.1  Background
3.1.2  Project Implementation
3.1.3  Type And Size Of The Project Investment
3.1.4  Progress Of The Project
3.2   Inner Mongolian Rural RE Power Program
3.3   Photovoltaic Project In A-Li Area, Tibet
3.4   Project Of Electrifying “No-Power” Townships In Western Provinces (“Song Dian Dao Xiang Program”)
3.5   China-Germany Financial Cooperation In Solar Energy Project In Western
3.6   REDP Project
3.7   Japanese NEDO Aid Project Of Photovoltaic
3.8   China-Germany Technical Cooperation “Rural Renewable Energy Projects” (GTZ)
4.  Problems And Analysis Of Remote Rural RE Projects In China
4.1   Poor Explication On The Project Objective-Power Supply
4.2   Unclear Standards In Power Supply And No Quantified Kpis
4.3   The Principle Of ‘Local Specific And Mutual Complement’Is Not Fully Implemented
4.4   Unclear Ownership Of The Projects
4.5   Project Management Organization Needs To Be Specified
4.6   Acceptance, Inspection And Supervision
4.7   Electricity Fees And Subsidy Issues
4.8   Training And Recruiting On Competent Operators
4.9   Equipment Quality And Project Construction Quality
5.  Basic Procedures And Steps For Off-Gird PV Project
6.  Off-Grid Village PV Power System –QS And Initial Study On TQM
6.1   TQM Contents And Classification
6.2   Quality Control System
7.  QC Suggestions On Off-Grid Village PV Power System In SDDC
7.1   SDDC's Ultimate Goal –Power Supply Services
7.2   PMO And Guideline Documents
7.3   Design Project TQM And Quality Assurance Mechanism
7.4   Define Task Contents And Objectives For Each Stage Based On The Implementation Plan
7.5   Implementation Of Quality Assurance And Aftersales Services
7.6   Establishment Of Effective Checking And Monitoring Mechanism, Identification Of Quality Deficiencies In Time, And Assurance Of Full Play Of QC System
7.7   Establishment Of Long And Valid Training Mechanism And Strong Publicity
7.8   Project Construction And Management In A Standard And Legal Fashion
8.  About Annex
9.  Refferences
10.  Annex
Annex 1. Main Quality Issues Of The Installed Mini-Grid Pv/Wind Power Plants In China
Annex 2. Problem And Weakness Of The Existing Pv/Wind Standards And Regulations
Annex 3. List Of The Existing Pv/Wind Standards And Regulations
Annex 4. Suggestion For Formulating Necessary Pv/Wind Mini-Grid Standards And Regulations
Table List 
Table 1 PV Installations As Year And Accumulative Years In China
Table 2 2006 PV Market Share In CHINA
Table 3 Main Rural PV Projects Recent Years
Table 4 The Quantity Of PV Power Generation Station And Installations In “SDDX” Project
Table 5 The Statistics Of PV/PV&Wind Hybrid Power Station In “SDDX”Project
Table 6 Project Plan And Investment Table Of Sino-German Finance Cooperation Western China Village PV Power Station
Table 7 The Info Of Finished Project During 1st Batch Of Sino-German Finance Cooperation Western China Village PV Power Station
Table 8 Application Batch 1-11 To REDP And Approval Through MIS
Table 9 Main Village Renewable Energy Power Supply Project Implementation And Service Time In The Near Future In China
Table 10 The Load Possession Ratio After Electrification(Total 42 Stations,2341Households)
Table 11 Household Appliances Possession Ratio And Energy Consumption In Different Economy Level Rural Families In KFW
Table 12 Main Village Renewable Energy Power Supply Project Property Right Situation In The Near Future In Remote Area Of China
Table 13 Operation And Management Info In “SDDX” Off-Grid Power Supply System
Table 14 Charge And Pay Fee Info In SDDX And KFW Project
Table 15 The Grade Of Operators’ Knowledge And Skill Test On Site
Table 16 KFW Project Operator Work Condition Info(Yunnan、Xinjiang 26 Stations)
Table 17 Operators’ Wage Analysis
Table 18 Truble Of Station Statistics
Table 19 Investigation PV Module Quality Of GEF And REDP Project
Table 20 Investigation Quality In GEF And REDP Project In 2004-Measurement Result Of Battery Capacity
Table 21 The Quality Control Condition Statistic Of Main Off-Grid Village PV Power Generation Staions In China
Figure List
Fig 1  The Variety Of Installations And Accumulated Installations Of PV In China
Fig 2  2006 PV Market Share
Fig 3  Sales Distribution Of REDP Batch 1—11(2001.12—2004.12)
Fig 4  Trouble Of Power Station
Fig 5  TQC Of The RE Mini-Grid Plant

·Study and Evaluation of Installed Stand-alone Mini-grid Systems [2008-04-10]
·Study Report About Standards and Regulations of Mini-grid PV/wind Plant [2008-04-09]
·Study Report on Cross-subsidy Scheme for Public Off-grid Power Systems of Renewable Energies [2008-04-07]
·Suggestions on the Layout of PV Development of the “Eleventh Five Year Plan” in China [2008-04-07]