
Making RE Education be Included into National Higher Education System
  日期:2008-04-10     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Proposal on Making Renewable Energy Education be Included
 into National Higher Education System
【Issued Date】:  June 2007
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
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The vice-Premier of China, Zeng Peiyan, stated at the 2005 World Renewable Energy Congress in Beijing that, as far as 2020, the proportion of renewable energy to total energy consumption of China will be up to 16 percent. It is well known that the fossil fuel utilization has brought about huge pressure and scare upon human being for the limitation and unrenewableness of fossil fuel resource, emission of greenhouse gas, warming of global climate and local weather deterioration etc.
Energy is the blood of the industry. In accordance with the current degree of exploitation and mining, the minable reserves of coal, oil and natural gas will start to decrease steeply in China few decades later, furthermore, the Chinese present oil depends on importing with near 40 percent proportion, it is predicted that in 2020 the imported oil will be up to 60 percent. Evidently, it is an issue of energy safety in China. The reserve of natural gas is not abundant, and then the prospect of gas resource is not optimistic. With coal using nowadays, the coal-mining safety cost of mining, environment-impacting cost and other cost of coal firing have not been fully taken into the coal cost of using, and later with the increasing of depth of coal-mining, the coal-mining cost will increase accordingly. It is predicted that the total of China energy consumption will attain 3.1 billion tones equivalent coal (TEC), which is a big difficulty that energy experts will face. Therefore, strategically speaking, the greatly developing of new and renewable energy in China is very necessary and urgent.
The most of problems of Chinese RE industry have the close relation to scarcity of well-qualified professional technical personnel. RE education enforcement is an effective path and it is very important for human resources sustainability.
In this study, the status of RE education in China was firstly surveyed with the aspects of elementary & middle schools and universities of China, universities of USA, UK, Denmark, Dutch, Sweden and Australia in the field of solar PV, wind and biomass power; secondly, the above three renewable energy power industry manpower need is investigated and predicted according to the national medium and long term RE layout; finally, the proposed executive plan of having RE education into high education system was discussed and presented, the items of which is as follows: the guideline, goals and targets, subject-building, RE curriculum-elaboration, regional distribution, executive steps and others。
As a study project, it is impossible to include all the issues in it, the purpose is to present proposal of RE education to the educational department, in order to promote the sustainable development of ability building of RE in China.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1   Overview
1.2   Necessity And Importance Of Enforcing RE Education In China
1.3   Sub Summary
Chapter 2 RE Education Status In China And In The RE Industry Developed Countries
2.1   RE Education Status In The Developed Countries
2.2   Status On RE Education In China
2.2.1  Status On RE Education In Chinese Elementary And Middle Schools
2.2.2  Status On Solar Power And Solar Cell Education And R&D In Chinese Heis And Research Institutes
2.2.3  Status On Wind Power Education And R&D In Chinese Heis And Institutes
2.2.4  Status On Biomass Power Education And R&D In Chinese Heis And Institutes
2.2.5  Planning, Exploiting And Setting Of New Specialty Of Undergraduate Program
2.2.6  Self Setting Of New Subject And Specialty For Postgraduate In National 1st Grade Doctor’s Degree Conferring Subject Catalog
2.2.7  Problems Existing In Chinese RE Education
2.3   Sub Summary
Chapter 3 Status Of The Human Resource And The Need Prediction Of Renewable Energy Industry In China
3.1   Status Of Human Resource Need Of Solar PV Power Industry In China
3.2   Status Of Human Resource Need Of Wind Power Industry In China
3.3   Status Of Human Resource Need Of Biomass Power Industry In China
3.4   Human Resource Needs Prediction For Solar, Wind And Biomass Power Industry
3.4.1 Employment Number And The Prediction
3.4.2  Geographical And Industrial Profile For The Personnel Of The Renewable Energy Power Stations And Plants
3.4.3  Supply And Needs Of RE Industry Work Force
3.5   Sub Summary
Chapter 4 Executive Plan On Making RE Education Be Included Into National Higher Education System
4.1   Principal Guiding Ideas
4.2   General Target
4.3   Executive Plan
4.3.1  Consideration Of The Layout-Making
4.3.2  The State Ministries And Commissions Governing RE Higher Education
4.3.3  Teachers And Educators Training
4.3.4  New Students Enrollment Scale In Universities
4.3.5  Preliminary Analysis On Knowledge And Proportion Profile Of RE Qualified Personnel
4.3.6  New Subject And Specialty Exploration And Establishing
4.3.7  Mode Of Education In RE Technology And Engineering
4.3.8  RE Education International Cooperation
4.3.9  RE Curriculum Elaboration
4.4   Conclusion And Suggestion
4.5   Sub Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion And Proposal
5.1   Overview
5.2   Guiding Idea
5.3   Targets And Tasks
5.4   Status Of RE Education In China
5.5   Human Resource Survey And Prediction In Industry Of RE In China
5.6   Proposed Executive Plan
5.7   Political Suggestion
List Of Tables
Table 2-1 Statistics Of Education, R&D Of Renewable Energy In The Universities Of USA
Table 2-2 Statistics Of Education, R&D Of Renewable Energy In UK’s Universities
Table 2-3 RE Courses Study Offered In German Universities
Table 2-4 1st And 2nd Grade Subjects Involved With PV R&D And Education
Table 2-5 Number Of PV-Related Graduates And The Degree Distribution In 2000-2004
Table 2-6 Wind Power Related Institutes In China
Table 2-7 Subjects Related With Wind Power
Table 2-8 Statistics Of Graduate Students
Table 2-9 Statistics On Planning And Exploration Of New RE Subject For Postgraduate Under National Subject Catalog
Table 3-1 Data Related To The Surveyed Enterprises
Table 3-2 Specialty Needs Of Open Positions
Table 3-3 Statistics Of Positions With Degree Requirement
Table 3-4 Information On The Enterprises With Recruit Needs
Table 3-5 Positions’ Requirements On Various Specialties
Table 3-6 Statistics Of Position Requirements On Degrees
List Of Figures
Figure 2-1 Geographical Distribution Of PV-Involved Univ. Or Inst. In China
Figure 2-2 Universities’ Geographical Distribution For Wind Energy Education In China
Figure 2-3 Geographical Profile In Domestic Post-Graduate Education In Biomass
Figure 2-4 Enrollment Ratios Of Masters To Doctors
Figure 2-5 Geographical Profile Of Post-Graduate Enrollment In Biomass Energy In China
Figure 3-1 Geographical Profile Of Domestic PV Enterprises
Figure 3-2 Geographical Profile Of PV Enterprises With Recruitment Needs
Figure 3-3 Specialty Needs Of Open Positions
Figure 3-4 Profile Of Position Requirements On Degrees
Figure 3-5 Number Of Wind Power Enterprises In Each Province
Figure 3-6 Geographical Profile Of Enterprises With Recruitment Needs
Figure 3-7 Requirements For Specialty Profile
Figure 3-8 Analysis Of Position Requirements On Academic Degrees
Figure 3-9 Specialty Need In Biomass Thermal Power Plants
Figure 3-10 Biomass Power Plants Being Built And Planned To Be Built
Figure 3-11 Distribution Ratios Of Specialty Needs
Figure 3-12 Statistics Of Position Requirements On Degrees

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