
Suggestions on the Layout of PV Development of the “Eleventh Five Year Plan” in China
  日期:2008-04-07     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Suggestions on the Layout of PV Development of the “Eleventh Five Year Plan” in China
【Issued Date】:  2005
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
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On Feb. 28, 2005, at the 14th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Plenary Session of the National People’s Congress passed “The Renewable Energy Law of People’s Republic of China”, The law pointed out clearly “ In order to promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, improver the energy structure, diversify energy supplies, safeguard energy security, protect environment and realize the sustainable development of the economy and society” The application and development of renewable energy with solar energy included should be promoted actively. It is confirmed that “The Government encourages and supports various types of grid-connected renewable power generation;” and it is also confirmed that “The Government supports the construction of independent renewable power systems in areas not covered by the power grid to provide power service for local production and living;” It is also confirmed “The Government encourages workplaces and individuals in the installation and use of solar energy utilization systems of solar energy water-heating system, solar energy heating and cooling system and solar photovoltaic system, etc.” The Law of Renewable Energy stipulated the investigation of resources and development layout, guidance of production and technical support, popularization and application, price management and share of expenditure, economic incentive and supervision measures and basic frame principles of law duties. According to these priciples, the concerned administrative departments of the State Council will set down the concrete rules of law and system to realize and implement the law.
In order to promote the healthy and steady development of PV industry and follow the flow of world development and realize the strategic postion it should have in power energy structure of our country and on the basis of having references of advanced international experiences and development layout, the recent development target of PV industry of the “Eleventh Five Year Plan” (2006 to 2010), the strategic overall arrangement and suggestions on corresponding policies and measures were put forward with the metaphase development target in 2020 as the basis, guiding the development of PV power industry and key construction projects according to all principles stated in “ The Renewable Energy Law of People’s Republic of China”。

1.   Preface
2.    The Present State And Trend Of The Development Of PV Power In The World
2.1     The Present State Of The Development Of PV Power In The World
2.2   The Future Development Trend Of PV Power In The World
3.   The Energy Situation In Our Country And Strategic Position Of PV Power
3.1  The Energy Situation In Our Country
3.2    The Present State Of Demand And Supply Of Power And Development Prediction
3.2.1  The Present State Of Demand And Supply Of Power
3.2.2   The Development Prediction Of Power Demand And Supply In Our Country
3.2.3  The Strategy And Measures To Ganrantee The Sustainable Development Of Power Supply
3.2.4  The Development Trend Of The Cost Of Coal Power In Our Country
3.2.5  The Cost Of PV Power Is Close To The Estimation Of The Cost Of Coal Power
3.3    The Strategic Position Of PV Power In Energy Power Supply Of Our Country
3.3.1  Off-Grid Power Supply In The Countryside
3.3.2  The Distributing Power Supply
3.3.3   Large-Scaled Power Stations In Open Filed (Desert)
3.3.4  The Other Commercial Applications
3.4   The Position And Function Of PV Industry In Social And Economical Development Of Our Country
3.4.1  Solving The Problem Of Power Supply In Border And Remote Areas Of Countryside And Reducing The Gap Between The Cities And Countryside
3.4.2  The Development Of PV Industry And Its Contribution To National Economy
4.  The Resourses Of Solar Energy And Its Distribution In Our Country
4.1   The Gross Deposit Of Solar Energy Resources In Theory And Its Macro Distribution In Our Country
4.2   The Deposit Of Solar Energy Resources In Each Province Of The Continent Of China
4.3   The Distribution Of Key Development Areas Of Large-Scaled PV Power Stations In Open Field (Desert) In Our Country And Practical Development Potential
5.  The Present State Of Development Of PV Power And Existing Problems
5.1   The Present State Of Development Of PV Power
5.1.1  The Present State And Level Of Research And Development Of PV Technology
5.1.2  The Present State Of Development Of PV Industry
5.1.3  The Present State Of Development Of PV Market
5.2   The Analysis Of Differences, Problems And Reasons
5.2.1   Technical Aspect
5.2.2  PV Industry
5.2.3  The Market
6.    The Guiding Principle And Development Target For Establishing PV Layout Of “The Eleventh Five-Year Plan”
6.1   Guiding Principle
6.2   The Target Of Development Layout
6.2.2  The Target For Popularization And Application
6.2.3  The Target For Industry Development
7.   The Distribution Of Construction Stress During The Eleven Five-Year Plan And Development Prospect In 2011-2020
7.1   The Total Development Target In Each Year
7.2   The Key Overall Arrangement Of Construction During “The Eleventh Five-Year Plan”
7.2.1   The Plan Of Off-Grid PV Power In The Countryside
7.2.2  Building Of Large-Scaled PV Power Grid Stations In Open Field (Desert)
7.2.3  The Plan Of “Sun Street Lamp” In Centered Cities
7.2.4  The Plan Of “Building Integrated PV Of The Centered Cities”
7.2.5  The Collection Of Key Projects Implemented And Organized By The State
7.3   The Development Expectation In 2011-2020
7.4   The Commercial Application Including Exportation
8.   The Development Layout Of PV Industry
8.1   The Target In Development Layout Of Solar Modules Industry
8.1.1  The Target In Development Layout Of Solar Modules Industry
8.1.2  The Balancing System
8.1.3  System Integration
8.2   To Speedup The Construction Of All Capabilities Of PV Power
8.3   Actively Carry Out International Cooperation
8.3.1  The Brief Accounts Of Foreign Aid Projects
8.3.2  Seizing The Opportunities And Expand Cooperation
9.    Investment Estimation And Benefits Analysis Of The Project
9.1    Budget Of Annual Investment On The State Key Projects During The “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”
9.1.1    Investment Estimation Of Policy And Rule Of Law, Technical Standard, Capacity Setup And International Cooperation
9.1.2   Investment Budget Of Key Construction Projects
9.1.3  Subsidy For Electrical Bill
9.1.4  The Source Of The Fund And Budgetary Estimation Of Financial Scope
9. 2  The Analysis Of Effects And Benefits
9.2.1  Social Benefits And Effects
9.2.2  The Environmental Benefits And Effects
10.  The Policies And Measures To Guarantee The Realization Of The Above-Mentioned Layout
10.1  The Policies And Measures For Power Supply In Border And Remote Areas With No Electricity
10.2  Realization Of PV Power Grid System Policy
10.2.1 The Outline For Law And Policies Of PV Grid Power System In Open Fields(Desert)
10.2.2 The Outline For The Policies And Regulations Of Building Integrated PV Grid Power System
10.2.3 Increase The Dissemination And Improve The Public Consciousness
11.   Epilogue

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