
Proposed Report of Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Program Implementation in Xinjiang
  日期:2008-04-03     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Proposed Report of Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Program Implementation in Xinjiang
【Issued Date】:  Jan. 2008
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
【Contact Phone】:






There are still over 10 million people in western China, for whom electricity usage still remains an urgent problem The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has required the provincial Development and Reform Committees to submit the electricity construction planning of each province, applying economically sustainable approaches to resolve the problem of electricity provision, which also serves the goals of poverty alleviation, and improvement of living quality of those living in remote areas.
In accordance with the instruction of China National Developing and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the requirement of China Renewable Energy Development Program Project (REDP) Management Office (PMO), the project team led by IEE, CAS, has been worked hard for more than half year; today the researching is closing to the end of the project.
In this project, firstly, the multiple options of Chinese non-electrified area power construction scenarios are discussed and analyzed, then the implementation guideline (draft) of the Chinese non-electrified area power construction program was presented and elaborated, the designing guideline has been deeply thought and discussed by the responsible leaders of NDRC, and gained recognition of NDRC; By referring the designing guideline draft, the project team has made systematical research on the contents, management mechanism, and other issues of lay-out (original presented by XJ DRC) of non-electrified area electrical power construction program implementation in Xinjiang; finally the planned implementation scenarios, management, and other issues on the XJ non-electrified area power construction program have been reconstructed and recomposed by the project team.
The contents of this report are as follows,
1. Basic concepts and definitions
2. Policies and law basis
3. Guiding thoughts and principles, and targets
4. Organization and management of the project implementation
5. Profile of non-electrified area in XJ, China
6. Technologies selection
7. Planning and lay-out of the project implementation
8. Quality control and management of the project implementation
9. Investment evaluation and fund sources
10. Designing the operation facilities
11. Analysis of the social and economical benefit
12. Conclusions, political suggestions

Abstract And Note
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts And The Definitions
Chapter 2 Basis Of Laws And Policies
Chapter 3 Guiding Thoughts,Basic Principles,And Targets

3.1  Guiding Thoughts And Basic Principles
3.2  General Targets
Chapter 4 Organizing Of Program Implementation And The Management
4.1  Introduction To The Functions Of Central Ministries (Central Corporation), Department (Bureau), And Division (Office)
4.2  Organization Establishment Of Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Program Office
4.3  Roles Of The Local Power Supply Company In The Program
4.4  Project Ownership Company Selection Rule And The Right, Responsibility And The Benefit Of The Project Ownership Company
4.5  Supervision Mechanism Of The Program Management
Chapter 5 Basic Condition Investigation Of Non-Electrified Areas
5.1  Non-Electrified Areas In Xinjiang
5.2  Water Power, Solar Energy, Wind Energy Resource
5.3  Current Power Supply And Consumption
5.4  Problems And Difficulties In The Electrical Construction Of Non-Electrified Area
5.5  Information Management System
Chapter 6 Technical Options
6.1  Parameter Setting Of Each Technical Option
6.2  Comparison Method Of Technical Options
6.3  Risk Analysis And The Disposal
Chapter 7 Layout Of Program Implementation And The Overall Arrangement
7.1  Basis Of Layout
7.2  Layout And The Overall Arrangement
7.3  Power Sources And Capacity Overall Arrangement
Chapter 8 Quality Control And Management Of Project Implementation
8.1  The Total Quality Control System For Project Implementation
8.2  Quality Control For The Management
8.3  Off-Grid PV/Wind Power System Quality Control System
8.4  General Requirement For The Quality Control Of PV/Wind Power System
Chapter 9 Investment Estimation And Finance Source
9.1  Planning Of Xinjiang Provincial Electrification Projects
9.2  Construction Scale Of Renewable Energy Application In Xinjiang
9.3  Investment Estimation
9.4  Suggestions On Finance And Estimation Of Benefits
Chapter 10 Operation Mechanism
10.1 System And Organization
10.2 Sources And Approval Of Operation Subsidy For RE Company
10.3 Operation Capital Management
10.4 Human Resource Distribution, Management And Training
10.5 Service System
10.6 Supervision And Examination Assessment Mechanism
Chapter 11 Scheme And Proposal
11.1 The Highest Subsidy Standard For Power Supply
11.2 The Operation Scheme For Lower Than Highest Power Supply Subsidy Standard
11.3 The Operation Scheme For Over Highest Power Supply Subsidy Standard
11.4 Implement Method
11.5 Policy Proposal
Chapter 12 Analysis Of The Social And Environmental Benefit
12.1 Social Benefit
12.2 Environmental Benefit
Chapter 13 Full Conclusion Of The Proposed Report
13.1 Principles, And Targets
13.2 Organizing, Managing, And Supervising Of The Program
13.3 Technology Selection, And The Tech-Economy Comparison
13.4 Investment Estimation And Sources Of The Fund
13.5 Operation And Management Mechanism
13.6 Program Quality Control And Management
13.7 The Existing Problems And Difficulties
13.8 Proposals On The Program Implementation
13.9 Political Proposal
Table List
Table 5-1 Distribution Of Non-Electrified Areas In Xinjiang (Without Any Electricity Supply Facilities )
Table 5-2 Hydropower Reserve In Accordance With Technology And Economy
Table 5-3 Hydropower Reserve In Accordance With Drainage Area
Table 5-4 Reconstruction Of The Rural Power Grid In Surveyed Area
Table 5-5 “Huhu Tong Project”
Table 5-6 Electricity Consumption Of Different People
Table 5-7 Electricity Consumption Of PV Users
Table 6-1 Initial Investment, Running Cost And Output Items In Comparison Model Of Technical Options
Table 7-1 Power Source And Capacity Summary In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 7-2 Summary Of Power Generation In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 7-3 Population And Family Profile In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 7-3 (Cont.) Population And Family Profile In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 7-4 Power Sources And Capacity Overall Arrangement In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 7-4 (Cont.) Power Sources And Capacity Overall Arrange In XJ Non-Electrified Area Power Construction Layout
Table 9-1 Construction Scale Of Renewable Energy System In Xinjiang Further Electrification Project
Table 9-2 Investment Calculation For Renewable Energy Method For Xinjiang Further Electrification Project
Table 9-3 Finance Option 1 And Its Benefits Estimation
Table 9-4 Finance Option 2 And Its Benefits Estimation
Table 9-5 Finance Option 3 And Its Benefits Estimation
Table 9-6 Finance Option 4 And Its Benefits Estimation
Table 9-7 Finance Option 5 And Its Benefits Estimation
Figure List
Fig 5.1 Distribution Of Solar Energy In Xinjiang
Fig 5.2  Structure Of Information Management System
Fig 6.1  Wind Energy In Xinjiang
Fig 6.2  Solar Energy In Xinjiang
Fig 6.3  Basic Information Input
Fig 6.4  Grid Extension
Fig 6.5  PV Mini-Grid System
Fig 6.6  Wind Mini-Grid System
Fig 6.7  Wind/PV/Diesel Mini-Grid System
Fig 6.8  PV Home System
Fig 6.9  Wind Home System
Fig 6.10 Wind/PV Hybrid Home System
Fig 8.1  Total Quality Control Of The Mini-Grid Solar/Wind Power System
Fig 9.1  Relation Curve Between Bank Loan In Initial Capital And Price Of Electricity Before Tax
Fig 10.1 Present RE Cross-Subsidy Approval Procedure

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