
Study and Evaluation to Public Bidding Documents of SDDX and KfW Solar Programs in China
  日期:2008-04-03     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

【Report Name】:  Study and Evaluation to Public Bidding Documents of SDDX and KfW Solar Programs in China
【Issued Date】:  Sep. 2007
【Payment mode】:  Paper
【Price】:  Negotiation Separately
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The “SDDX” Program and the Sino-German Finance Cooperation “Western China Village PV Power Plant (KfW) Program” are the most important programs regarding to scale and impacts among all RE off-grid projects for the rural electrification in China, In this paper, a comprehensive study and analyses to the tendering documents of the two programs are presented with comparison in details, after a brief introduction of general implementation and present situation of the programs. Comparison and analysis of overall project process are also presented in the paper, that included project preparation, bidding and construction as well as operation & management. Suggestions and recommendations to the bidding process are made in order to assure quality of management of the rural RE project, especially to the preparation of Song Dian Dao Cun project which is envisaged as the next large dissemination program in China.

1.  Background
2.  Project Objectives And Purposes
2.1  “Song Dian Dao Cun” Program Has Been Planed
2.2  Great Infections Of “SDDX” And Kfw Programs
2.3  Different Situation Due To Different Management Methods
3.  General Situation Of PV Off-Grid Projects In China
4.  Brief Introduction Of “SDDX” Program
4.1  Number Of The Installed Plants And Capacity
4.2  General Situation Of The Installation Of SDDX
4.3  Current Situation Of Engineering In “SDDX” Project In Provinces And Autonomous Regions 4.3.1  Shanxi Province
4.3.2  Qinghai Province
4.3.3  Gansu Province
4.3.4  Xinjiang
4.3.5  Inner-Mongolia
4.3.6  Sichuan Province
4.3.7  Tibet
5.  China-Germany Financial Cooperation In Solar Energy Project In Western
5.1  Backgroud And General Situation
5.2  Procedure Of Implementation And Current Situation
5.3  Significance Of Kfw Project
6.  Comparison And Analysis Of Tendering Document (General And Business Part) Of SDDX And Kfw Programs
6.1  The Document Structure And Components
6.2  Main Contents Of Bidding Document (Business Part)
7.  Comparison And Analysis Of SDDX And KFW Bidding Documents In Their Technical Parts
7.1  Structure Comparison Of The Bidding Document- Technical Parts
7.2  Special Statements In Kfw Bidding Documents (Technical Part)
7.3  Comparison And Analysis Of The Similar Statements In SDDX And KFW Bidding Documents (Technical Part)
8.  Comparison And Analysis Of Overall Project Process (Pre-Project Preparation, Bidding And Construction, Operation Management)
9.  Suggestions On Bidding And Project Implementation Of “Song Dian Dao Cun”(SDDC)
9.1   Clear Ultimate Project Objective
9.2   Sufficient Pre-Project Preparations
9.3   Well Prepared Technical Materials And Documents For Bidding
9.4   Project Bidding And Engineering Construction
9.5   Well Prepared And Designed Documents Related To Operation, Maintenance And Management
9.6   Well-Organized Project Acceptance
9.7   Training And Monitoring
10. Reference:
11.  Annex 
Annex 1 NRDC Tender Vol. A (General And Businesses Section)
Annex 2 “Song Dian Dao Xiang” Program Tender (Businesses) For Inner-Mongolia, 2003
Annex 3 “Song Dian Dao Xiang” Program Tender (Technical) For Inner-Mongolia, 2003
Annex 4 Kfw Tender Vol. A - CP Final Version (For Yunnan And Xinjiang)
Annex 5 Kfw Tender Vol. B - TS Final Version (For Yunnan And Xinjiang)
Annex 6 Kfw Tender (For Qinghai)
Table List
Table 1-1 PV Installations as year and accumulative years in china
Table 1-2 2006 PV market share In CHINA
Table 3-1 Main Rural PV Projects Recent Years
Table 4-1 The Quantity of PV power generation Station and Installations in “SDDX” project
Table 4-2 The Statistics of PV/PV&wind Hybrid Power Station in “SDDX” Project
Table 4-3 SDDX project situation
Table 5-1 Project plan and Investment table of Sino-German Finance Cooperation Western China Village PV power station
Table 5-2 Situation of implementation of Sino-German Financial Cooperation “PV Mini-gird System in West China”
Table 6-1 Tendering Document Components of Programs of SDDX and kfW
Table 6-2 Comparison of SDDX and KFW bidding documents (business part) in their structures and contents
Table 6-3 Comparison of terms and conditions in contract of SDDX and KFW bidding documents
Table 6-4 Comparison in bidding document pro forma and qualification document of SDDX and attachments of kfW programs
Table 7-1 Comparison of SDDX and KFW bidding documents in their section and sub-sections
Table 7-2 Comparison of the similar statements in SDDX and KFW bidding documents (technical part)-(1)
Table 7-3 Comparison of the similar statements in SDDX and KFW bidding documents (technical part)-(2)
Table 8-1 Comparison of SDDX and KFW in their Pre-project Preparation
Table 8-2 Comparison of SDDX and KFW in their Bidding and Construction and Operational management
Figure List
Fig 1-1 The variety of Installations and accumulated Installations of PV in china
Fig 1-2 2006 PV market share
Fig 7-1 Project capital structure and responsibilities
Fig 7-2 Project organization structure and relationships

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