     Research Project

Ongoing Research Projects
  日期:2008-09-26     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

The ongoing research activities will enable the evaporative cooling technology laboratory have outstanding contribution to our country within recent ten years in the following fields:

  • Industrialization of 400-500 MW evaporative cooling hydro- generators.

  • Technology study of 800 MW evaporative cooling hydro- generators

  • Demonstrative applications of 800 MW evaporative cooling hydro- generators in domestic key hydro-project.

  • The key problem research of 300 MW and 600 MW evaporative cooling turbine generators.

  • The research and development of large capacity evaporative cooling motor-generator units for pump-up storage power station.

  • Pioneer research of special type motors and generators adopting evaporative cooling technology.

  • Pioneer research of evaporative cooling special type transformers

  • Large-scale applications of evaporative cooling technology in power electronic equipments.

  • Exploring research of high temperature superconducting electric machines using the evaporative cooling technology combined with superconducting technology.
