Center for Superconducting Power Technology
Laboratory for Superconducting Magnet Science & Technology and Its Applications
Superconducting Materials Group

Magnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanotubes were successfully synthesized with the aid of high magnetic field in our institute
  日期:2008-09-27     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

Recently, a novel method for synthesizing ferromagnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanotubes by a template process with the aid of high magnetic field was reported by the key laboratory of superconductivity in our institute. This work which was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the “Bairen” program of CAS was published in « Chemistry of Materials » (Chem. Mater. 20 (2008) 20), which suggests that new progress in magnetic field processing is gained.
    It is found that the well crystalline γ-Fe2O3 nanotubes, ranging from ~300 nm in diameter and up to ~30 µm in length exhibit room-temperature typical ferromagnetic behavior. Such a novel approach to preparing magnetic nanotubes with the advantages of a simple, yet very efficient, and contact-free method may be very useful for technological applications. After applying the patent, the detailed results about the work was published in Chemistry of Materials.