The 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (PPC2009)将于2009年6月29日至7月2日在美国华盛顿召开。本次会议是世界脉冲功率领域的一次盛会,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。会议论文将被IEEE收录,会议主题及提交摘要信息如下:
Program Topics Include:
Dielectrics and Energy Storage
Microwave and RF Sources
Charged particle beams and sources
High Energy Density Plasmas
Pulsed Power Switches and Components
Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Applications
Explosive and Compact Pulsed Power
Pulsed Power Sources
Pulsed Power Systems
Power Electronics and Systems
Abstracts Deadline:
Abstracts are currently being accepted and should be submitted prior to January 22, 2009. Authors will be notified of the disposition of their abstracts by April 15, 2009.