
Microfluidics Research at AMN 2013
作者:陈传芳  日期:2013-02-20     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

AIP: Biomicrofluidics

Join the Leaders in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics in May 2013

The fourth annual meeting of the Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics conference (AMN 2013) will be held from 24-26 May at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA. AMN 2013 is sponsored by Biomicrofluidics.

AMN 2013 will host two special sessions

  1. The Special Session on Dielectrophoresis, organized by Prof. Ronald Pethig, is now accepting both oral and poster presentations. Dielectrophoresis is fundamental to microfluidics and the aim of the session is to bring the diverse DEP community together to discuss advances in the field.
  2. The Special Memorial Symposium on Electrowetting in Honor of Professor Kwan Hyoung Kang (1968-2012), organized by Professor Frieder Mugele and featuring a keynote lecture by Prof. Sung Jae Kim, is also now accepting oral and poster contributions. The late Prof Kang was a member of the Biomicrofluidics edtorial board (2009 - 2011). The session is being held in honor of Prof. Kang’s important contributions to the field.

Submission Deadline Extended to 15 February!

More information about the special sessions, including instructions for submitting abstracts, can be found at http://amn2013.org under the “Topics” heading.

Key dates for AMN 2013

  • Abstract Submission deadline: 21 February 2013
  • Early Registration: 1 April 2013
  • On-site registration will also be available: 24-26 May 2013
Visit the AMN 2013 Website

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