
The 10th Magnetic Carrier Meeting – Dresden 2014
  日期:2013-11-02     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

   The 10th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers will be held from June 10-14, 2014 in Dresden, Germany

   The conference will be devoted to the preparation, analysis, use and application of magnetic microspheres and nanoparticles in basic and clinical research and will cover

  • Preparation and characterization of magnetic particles and ferrofluids 
    In vitro applications: specific extraction and separation of cells and other molecules, stem cell research, high-throughput analysis, biomedicine
  • Nanotechnology, lab-on-a-chip, and ultrasensitive magnetic bioassays
  • Clinical applications: magnetic drug delivery,magnetic fluid hyperthermia, MR imaging, nuclear medicine, cancer treatment, artificial organs, and magnetic blood etoxification


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