Impact of large⁃scale DFIG based wind power on stability of
Northeast Power Grid
YUE Han1, ZHENG Kuan2, YU Yang1, ZHANG Xue⁃min2, TANG Wei1, WU Ke⁃ming1, LIU Yang1
(1. Northeast Power Grid Co. , Ltd. , Shenyang 110180, China; 2. State Key Lab of Power Systems,
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: The paper analyzes the impact of large⁃scale DFIG based wind power on Northeast Power Grid’s stabili⁃
ty. Firstly, the paper discusses the dynamic characteristics of doubly⁃fed induction generator (DFIG), and com⁃
pares it with synchronous generator (SG). Then the stability limit for power transfer out of Songbai area is com⁃
pared as an index of stability, considering different combination of wind and thermal generation, different connec⁃
tion way of the wind farm and different reactive power control mode of DFIG. Furthermore, it points out the reason
why the centralized access way of wind power and unit power factor control mode of DFIG will deteriorate the power
system stability. Besides, the advantage and disadvantage effect of the grid⁃connected wind farm on the power sys⁃
tem rotor angle stability is pointed out. And it concludes that if the fault clearing time is very short, the rotor angle
stability of the power system will be enhanced as the proportion of wind power increases.
Key words: doubly⁃fed induction generator; active power transient characteristics; cross⁃section limits of power;
rotor angle stability
Research of impact of traction load negative sequence current
on grid operating status
LIU Qian⁃yong1,2, LI Xin⁃ran1, XIAO Cong3, LI Jin⁃xin4
(1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;
2. Shaoyang Power Administration of Hunan Power Grid Corporation, Shaoyang 422000, China;
3. Yiyang Power Administration of Hunan Power Grid Corporation, Yiyang 413000, China;
4. Hefei Power Supply Company, Hefei 230002, China)
Abstract: Traction load is a high⁃power single⁃phase rectifier load. It is a typical negative sequence harmonic
source which would have profound impact when connected to the grid. A traction load of negative⁃sequence current
source model connected to the grid is realized by using the user design (UD) model function of the power system a⁃
nalysis software package (PSASP). By carrying harmonic simulations calculation on different levels of traction load
in EPRI⁃36 node network background, the impact that electrified railway traction load have on the generator, trans⁃
former, motor, line, relay protection, etc. has been analyzed quantitatively. Finally, relevant conclusions have
been drawn in the paper.
Key words: traction load; negative⁃sequence current; PSASP/ UD; harmonic simulation
Multi⁃objective transmission planning associated with large scale
wind farms based on probability
ZENG Ling⁃quan1, WANG Li⁃juan2
(Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China)
Abstract: Transmission network planning algorithm for multi⁃objective electricity market environment and the large⁃
scale wind power integration is proposed in this paper. In the method the impact of the volatility of wind power out⁃
put on the transmission congestion is taken into account. A multi⁃objective function of the transmission grid plan⁃
ning consisted of investment costs, risk costs and congestion costs is established in order to achieve reasonable plan⁃
ning. The combination of Monte Carlo simulation and Two⁃Point Estimation Method is implemented to investigate
the effects of network uncertainties. Based on this, the characteristics of planning objective and the problem itself
are analyzed, and the non⁃dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II is designed to solve the problem due to its com⁃
parative assessment potential and good handling of the non⁃convex problems and non⁃commensurable objective func⁃
tions, and fuzzy decision⁃making method is designed to select the final optimal solution. Finally the soundness of
the method and the effective of the algorithm are validated by case study.
Key words: transmission expansion planning; wind power; non⁃dominated sorting genetic algorithm II; fuzzy deci⁃
Control of multi⁃terminal VSC⁃HVDC system based on V⁃I characteristics
ZHAO Xiong⁃guang1, SONG Qiang1, RAO Hong2, LI Xiao⁃qian1, XU Shu⁃kai2, LIU Wen⁃hua1
(1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Electric Power Research Institute, CSG, Guangzhou 510080, China)
Abstract: This paper presents control strategies of multi⁃terminal HVDC transmission system (MTDC) using volt⁃
age source converters (VSCs) for integrating large distributed power system, such as large offshore wind farms. The framework and operation principles of the proposed system are described and control strategies for coordinating vari⁃
ous VSCs are proposed. DC voltage control based on the DC voltage⁃current (V⁃I) droop characteristics of grid side
converters is implemented to ensure stable system operation and flexible power dispatch between various onshore AC
grids. To validate the performance of the proposed control strategies, a typical four terminal MTDC network, which
connecting two offshore wind farms with two onshore AC grids, is established in PSCAD/ EMTEC. Simulation re⁃
sults under normal and abnormal operation conditions verify the satisfactory performance of the proposed control
strategy and correctness of the theoretical analysis.
Key words: multi⁃terminal; VSC⁃HVDC; V⁃I characteristics; voltage control; power dispatch
Optimal selection for DC capacitor in distribution STATCOM
ZHANG Xin⁃wen1,2, TONG Xiang⁃qian1
(1. School of Automation & Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China;
2. School of Information Engineering, North University of Nationalities, Yinchuan 750021, China)
Abstract: The negative⁃sequence or harmonic component in supply voltage will cause serious impact on the normal
operation of STATCOM, and even lead the resonance phenomena if the series reactance and DC capacitance are un⁃
suitable. Based on the switching function of voltage sourced converter under fundamental frequency, the relative ex⁃
act calculation mode of fluctuation components in DC side voltage and non⁃fundamental⁃positive⁃sequence compo⁃
nents (shorted in NFPSCs) in AC side currents for STATCOM was established. According to the model, the rela⁃
tion between DC capacitor and DC voltage fluctuation or the NFPSCs in AC current was analyzed. Respectively tak⁃
ing the minimum of the DC voltage fluctuation or the NFPSCs in AC current as the constraint condition, the compu⁃
ting method of optimal capacitance of the DC capacitor was presented. Finally, the simulation results coincide well
with the theoretical analysis.
Key words: STATCOM; negative sequence; harrnonic; resonance; DC capacitor
Vector control algorithm for fifteen⁃phase induction motor
AI Sheng1, SUN Chi1, ZHANG Cheng2, HU Liang⁃deng1, CHEN Yu⁃lin1
(1. Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China;
2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: The advantages of fifteen⁃phase induction machine drives over three⁃phase systems are the improved ma⁃
chine torque density,reduction of magnetic flux harmonic and better system reliability. Fifteen⁃phase system can
provide continuous system operation in faulted mode following the loss of excitation of one or more stator phases.
The paper has proposed the vector control algorithm for a new fifteen⁃phase induction motor based on the existing
researches on multiphase motor systems. The establishment of a mathematical model for the fifteen⁃phase induction
motor leads to the derivation of a vector control algorithm for the fifteen⁃phase induction motor and the presentation
of the control block diagram of the system. The results of testing the system show that the vector control algorithm is
correct and feasible so that it can achieve a good control effect when being applied to the actual fifteen⁃phase induc⁃
tion motor vector control system. The vector control algorithm can be directly used for the MW⁃class high⁃power fif⁃
teen⁃phase induction motor system.
Key words: multiphase motor control; fifteen⁃phase induction motor; mathematical model; vector control algo⁃
rithm; inverter
Analysis of zero state vector distribution based on space vector PWM
techniques for dual Y shift 30 degree PMSM
(College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
Abstract: A dual Y shift 30 degree permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is basically a strong coupled six⁃dimensional system. In order to simplify the control of the motor, vector space decomposition transformation is
used to map the motor vectors into three two⁃dimensional orthogonal sub⁃planes, then space vector PWM technique
can be used to control the torque and stator harmonic current at the same time. On the basis of this PWM tech⁃
nique, a detailed study of the selection and distribution of zero vectors in continuous modulation and discontinuous
modulation is presented in this paper. The simulation results show that a smaller torque ripple can be received by u⁃
sing the continuous modulation, while the number of switching times can be significantly reduced and less stator
current harmonic content can be received by using the discontinuous modulation.
Key words: dual Y shift 30 degree PMSM; space⁃vector PWM; zero vector; continuous modulation; discontinuous
Vector decoupling control for AC exited of DFIG wind power generator system
based on matrix converter
CHEN Cai⁃xue1,2, XIE Yun⁃xiang2, LI Hui1
(1. School of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China;
2. School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China)
Abstract: Matrix converter has the advantages of simple structure, power factor controllable, energy two⁃way flow
and so on. In this paper, combined with the characteristic of matrix converter and the AC⁃exited Double Fed Induction Generator technology of Variable⁃Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF), the DFIGs vector control mathe⁃
matical model in dq synchronous rotating frame was deduced. Considering the current coupling, this paper proposes
a new type simple current feed forward decoupling control algorithm. Based on the principle, Matlab simulation re⁃
sults show that the current decoupling algorithm has superior dynamic performance when the active and reactive
power are changing. Experimental device of 11kW DFIG wind power generator system was constructed. Both in the
super⁃synchronous and sub⁃synchronous state, the stator voltage and frequency can remain stable. The results verify
the feasibility of the control strategy, which has a certain practical value.
Key words: matrix converter; AC⁃excitation; doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)
Optimization of controller for single⁃phase
grid⁃connected photovoltaic inverters
GUO Xiao⁃rui, GUO Ji⁃feng
(College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
Abstract: A novel periodic array filter eliminating the ac components of the voltage⁃loop controller output is rid of the second⁃order harmonic in the voltage⁃loop output and suppress the disturbance of dc⁃side voltage ripples
to output current reference at steady state. With the help of the array filter, the distortion of output current refer⁃
ence decreases, and consequently, the high quality of output current will be achieved. Moreover, the bandwidth of
outer voltage loop can be designed higher than before and the inverter can get better transient performance making
dc⁃side voltage less fluctuation due to sudden power variation. In addition, an inductance compensation scheme in
series is added to the inner current loop for better performance of the inverter at low output power. Finally, experi⁃
mental results from a 3kW single⁃phase grid⁃connected photovoltaic inverter with full⁃bridge topology verify the fea⁃
sibility of the digital array filter and inductance compensation algorithm.
Key words: grid⁃connected photovoltaic system; full⁃bridge inverter; filter; inductance compensation; harmonic
Research on bipolar gain Boost converter
CHEN Qiang, XU Jian⁃ping, CHEN Zhang⁃yong, LIU Xue⁃shan
(College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Abstract: A bipolar gain Boost converter is studied in this paper. The working principle of this bipolar gain Boost
converter is similar to the traditional Boost converter. It is found that the voltage transfer ratio of this converter is
similar to that of conventional Boost converter. It can get stable dc output voltage no matter the input voltage is pos⁃
itive or negative. The bipolar gain Boost converter can be applied directly to the PFC converter without the front⁃
end diode bridge rectifier. The working principle of this bipolar gain Boost converter in continuous current mode is
analyzed, and the steady state characteristic of the converter is studied. Finally, experimental verification of the a⁃
nalysis results is performed.
Key words: Boost converter; steady state characteristics; continuous conduction mode; bipolar gain
Research on digital control strategy of LLC resonant converter
QIAN Juan, CHEN Qian⁃hong
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Abstract: Nowadays, more⁃electric⁃aircraft (MEA) technology has become a mainstream method of airplane power
supply. Because of its high reliability, light in weight and energy saving, 270V high voltage DC power system has
become the main development direction for airplane power supply. In the situation of high⁃power DC⁃DC converter
in aeronautics, full bridge LLC resonant converter can be a relatively better topology. Traditional analog control
method has some weakness such as: the control method is relatively single, the hardware of the system is complex,
and hard to improve efficiency and to reduce the costs. For these reasons, this paper proposes a solution of digital
control. This solution can effectively decrease the size of the power, reduce the costs and improve the efficiency. At
last, this paper developed a model machine with the input of 270(1 ±10)% VDC, and the output of 28V/500W
DC. The result of the experiments verified the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of the digital control.
Key words: LLC resonant converter; variable⁃frequency control; constant⁃frequency control; digital control
Research on a novel scheme of IGBT in series
LI Zhen⁃fu1, LIN Wei⁃ming1, GE Liang⁃an2, YAO Xiao⁃li2
(1. College of Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China;
2. Inventronics (Hangzhou) Inc. , Hangzhou 310053, China)
Abstract: Because of the advantages such as large voltage and current capacity, high switching speed and simple
driving circuit, IGBTs are widely used in high⁃power occasions. However, one single IGBT can not be used when
the voltage is beyond the rate of IGBT, and IGBT in series is needed. Searching for simple, reliable and effective IGBT series auxiliary circuits is important and necessary. In this paper, a new IGBT series circuit which needs only
one external driving signal is proposed, because the proposed circuit does not contain any large capacitances or
magnetic components, it is suitable to be integrated on a wafer. The principle of operation is analyzed in detail and
verified by simulation and experiments in this paper, and both simulation and experimental results show that the
proposed topologies possess good switching characteristics.
Key words: high voltage occasions; series connected IGBTs; dynamic voltage balance; efficiency
Temperature calculation and cooled treatment of magnetic levitation device
GENG Zhi⁃hui1,2, MA Hong⁃zhong1,2, WANG Gang1,2
(1. College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;
2. Research Center for Renewable Energy Generation Engineering Ministry of Education P. R. China,
Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: The temperature rise of electromagnetic device is a fatal factor that affects its service performance. First⁃
ly, the heating mechanism of the device is analyzed,and the 3D finite element model of electromagnetic device is
established by ANSYS software which contained air loss friction generated by the move⁃core of device rotation with
shaft in the model. According to the transient simulation analysis, the electromagnetic device temperature distribu⁃
tion and the temperature trend over time are calculated. From the calculated results, it can be found that the inter⁃
nal temperature of magnetic device is so high in the long⁃running that is beyond the temperature rise allowable
range. Then a cooled program is proposed that makes the temperature down by cooling pipe, and the cooling pipe
installation location, shape, parameters, etc. are designed preliminary. Finally, from the simulation results, it can
be found that its cooling effect is very obvious, and can meet the requirements of the allowable temperature rise.
The thermal parameters which change with temperature rise are considered in thermal analysis.
Key words: magnetic levitation; electromagnetic device; temperature field; finite element analysis; cooling pipe;
temperature rise
Contrast and analysis between two improved modes of reconnection
electromagnetic launcher
WANG Liang, LUO Wen⁃bo, LI Hai⁃tao, WANG Yu
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Abstract: This paper introduces the basic principles of reconnection electromagnetic launcher and two kinds of improved drive modes. On these bases, by using Ansoft, the electromagnetic finite element analysis software, two
finite element models with different drive coil number under each drive mode in the case of same external circuit
have been built and simulated. By grouped comparison of driving force, projectile speed and driving current, this
paper made the conclusion that multipole mode is superior to multi⁃blade mode.
Key words: electromagnetic launcher; multipole mode; multi⁃blade mode
Analysis of transformer vibration signal based on
wavelet transform and LMD algorithm
LI Chun⁃zi1, CHEN Feng2, LIU Shu⁃cheng3, WANG Jian⁃yuan3
(1. Jinlin Power Supply Company of Jilin Electric Power Corporation, Jilin 132000, China; 2. Huizhou Power
Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid,Huizhou 516003, China; 3. School of Electrical Engineering and
Automation, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China)
Abstract: In order to extract the effective features of vibration signal of transformer core, this paper presents a new decompose the measured data of the transformer core vibration signal, and makes soft threshold on each bands of
wavelet coefficients. Then the singal can be reconstructed by the wavelet coefficients treated to separate the niose
from it. The vibration signal preprocessed by wavelet can be adaptively decomposed into a series of one⁃component
AM ⁃ FM signal (PF) , which reveals the occurrence of normal operation and failure of the core vibration charac⁃
teristics. Simulation result shows that: the algorithm in low SNR (10dB) can still decompose the vibration signals
correctly with a strong anti⁃noise performance. Compared to the EMD decomposition, the endpoint effect is small,
has no a false weight, and is more suitable for applications in dealing with AM⁃FM non⁃stationary vibration signal.
The algorithm is simple and effective.
Key words: core vibration signal; wavelet preprocessing; local mean decomposition single⁃component; AM⁃FM
signal; noise immunity
Numerical calculation of cyclic ampacity of buried power cables
LU Zhi⁃wei1, HU Guo⁃wei2, LI Yan⁃fei2, LI Ming2, ZHANG Lei2, AO Ming3
(1. Technological School of Transmission and Transformation, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China;
2. Elec. Eng. College, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China;
3. The Research Institute of Jilin Electric Power Co. Ltd, Changchun 130021, China)
Abstract: The maximum current carrying capacity of power cables is an important parameter in the operation of the
power systems. It is obtained by assumption of the constant load current. The load current changes normally with
days in the power systems. Cyclic load factor is given in IEC60853 for buried cables in homogeneous soil. The cal⁃
culation program of the transient temperature fields of power cables is finished in this paper based on the finite
difference method. The cyclic load factors are calculated by the program for cables in homogeneous and non⁃homo⁃
geneous soils. The results show that the current carrying capacity can be improved by numerical calculation.
Key words: power cables; cyclic load; ampacity; finite difference method
Study on state⁃of⁃the⁃art of FACTS and new transmission technologies
and prospect of utilizing in UHV of China
WANG Yi⁃hong, ZHOU Qin⁃yong, BU Guang⁃quan, GUO Xiao⁃jiang
(China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China)
Abstract: This paper summarizes the international present status of development of new transmission technologies
and new FACTS technologies, and then analyzes the prospect of utilizing of kinds of new transmission technologies
and new FACTS technologies in China, combined with long⁃term planning of our strong and smart power grid in the
Twelfth Five⁃year Program (2011⁃2015). Finally the paper gives suggestions of utilizing of kinds of new transmis⁃
sion technologies and new FACTS technologies in ultra high voltage (UHV) grid of China.
Key words: ultra high voltage (UHV); new transmission technology; FACTS; prospect of utilizing
Study of accidents exercises expert system with Bayesian Nash equilibrium
TANG Xiao⁃wei1, ZHU Xia2, YU Hao⁃bin1, WANG Cheng⁃min2, WANG Jie2, LIAN Hong⁃bo1
(1. Shanghai Electric Power Company Songjiang Power Supply Company, Shanghai 201600, China;
2. School of Electronic and Electric Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
Abstract: The electric power production is the foundation of national economy development, and is an important
driving force in modern socio⁃economic development, whose security directly affects the social stability and econom⁃
ic development. And the dispatching staff’s personal specialization level affects the stable security situation of the
daily grid operation directly. In recent years, various types of electrical accidents in our country increased rapidly
which results in a large number of casualties and huge economic losses, but on the other side promote the drill soft⁃
ware development around the world. This paper uses software to evaluate and improve the dispatchers’ abilities in
dealing with network anomalies, to simulate incidents by methods of collecting, inquiring, selecting and reprodu⁃
cing the routine cases; and to judge the effectiveness of the staff’s solution dealing with the incidents by perfect
Bayesian Nash equilibrium method, then to induce the best decisions after every step.
Key words: Bayesian Nash equilibrium; expert system; incident cases; dispatch; induce
Analysis and design for bi⁃directional flyback photovoltaic
grid⁃connected micro⁃inverter
MAO Xing⁃kui, WANG Xiao⁃bin, ZHANG Jin⁃ji, CHEN Wei
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract: The operation principle of bi⁃diretional flyback inverter used for photovoltaic micro⁃inverter was analyzed
deeply. The analysis included differential control and unilateral control strategy for the inverter, and the results
pointed out the unilateral control strategy is the special case of the differential control. Comparing to the existing
power feedback of the differential control, the inverter with the unilateral control has higher efficiency and is more
suitable for grid⁃connected micro⁃inverter. The grid⁃connected current control scheme and key parameter including
high frequency power transformer were also derivated for the inverter with the unilateral control. A prototype with
output power 200W and simulations verified the bi⁃diretional Flyback Photovoltaic grid⁃connected micro⁃inverter has
simple topology, high efficiency and the current control scheme is effective.
Key words: photovoltaic power generation; PV micro⁃inverter; bi⁃directional flyback inverter; differential control;
unilateral control
Research of short circuit calculation method considering
Scott traction transformer
HOU Rui⁃peng1, ZHANG Yong⁃hao2, ZHOU Qing⁃jie2, YANG Ming⁃yu1
(1. Key Laboratory of Power System Protection Dynamic Security Monitoring and
Control under Ministry of Education, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China;
2. Beijing Join Bright Digital Power Technology Limited Company, Beijing 100096, China)
Abstract: According to the voltage and current relationship of Scott transformer’s primary and secondary, this pa⁃
per uses phase sequence transformation technique to derive the Netcom model of Scott transformer in traction power
supply system for fault calculation. Taking different kinds of short circuit at Scott transformer in traction power sup⁃
ply system, the paper uses the Netcom model to calculate each sequence current component and then to derive the
phase current of three⁃phase current. The paper uses phase component method to verify the practicality of the meth⁃
od at last. The paper provides theoretical basis for computer algorithms of fault calculation which is based on sym⁃
metrical component by taking Scott transformer into account.
Key words: symmetrical components method; phase component method; Scott transformer; phase sequence trans⁃
form; short⁃circuit calculation
Research on thermal characteristics of SAW in MOA unit
GUO Feng⁃yi1, GUO Zhi⁃yong1, LIU Zhi⁃ling1, HE Wei⁃tao2, CHEN Zhan⁃dong2
(1. Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China;
2. MOV Test Room, Fushun Electric Porcelain Manufacture Co. Ltd. , Fushun 113126, China)
Abstract: Online monitoring of gapless metal oxide surge arresters (MOA) is an important measures to ensure the
reliable operation of power system. To access the online status of the MOA is the hot spots of online monitoring. On the basis of introduction of commonly used temperature measurement method, the principle of surface acoustic wave
(SAW) temperature measurement and its feasibility of application to online monitoring of arresters are analyzed.
The paper designed the application scheme of temperature measurement of MOA proportional unit temperature meas⁃
urement using wireless passive SAW temperature sensors. The correctness of using SAW to online monitor the ar⁃
rester temperature is verified by heat performance test. The scheme improves the precision of previous test methods
and has important effect for the online monitoring of MOA.
Key words: surface acoustic wave; MOA section; thermal characteristics; operating duty test
On⁃line monitoring system for substation using internet of things
WU Chun⁃ming, CHENG Liang, TIAN Zhang⁃chao, MU Xiao⁃min
(Dept. of Information Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin 132012, China)
Abstract: This paper has expounded the basic principle and process of using the internet of things for monitoring
substation operation data. The internet of things is a complex and very huge system, which can connect one thing to
another. This paper only introduces using ZigBee in the bottom network layer as a transmission agreement. In the
hardware design, a new ZigBee chip CC2530 is used for communication. In order to extend the communication ra⁃
dius of the coordinator and router, a CC2591 is added to the frond⁃end of CC2530 as power amplifier. In the soft⁃
ware design, the process of data⁃sending and networking is designed. Test work has been finished in a substation of
a cement plant. The monitoring data of substation can be clearly shown by the test⁃results. This paper shows an ac⁃
tive power picture in the end, which vividly describes the change of load. The testing results and transmitted exper⁃
iments show that the monitoring system is of high stability and good electromagnetic compatibility, which has very
high application and popularization value.
Key words: substation; internet of things; operating data; monitoring