Vol. 33 No. 3 Mar. 2014
Treatise and Report
Equivalent approach for AC/ DC power systems cascading failure analysis
………………………………………… ZHANG Zhen⁃an, ZHANG Xue⁃min, QU Hao⁃yuan, et al. ( 1 )
Transmission network planning considering balance of branches load rate
………………………………………………… NIE Hong⁃zhan, ZHENG Peng⁃fei, LI Shuai, et al. ( 7 )
Researches on electro⁃thermal model for junction temperature prediction in IGBT modules
……………………………………………………… WU Yan⁃song, LUO Hao⁃ze, LI Wu⁃hua, et al. (13)
Exploration of switching characteristics of SiC⁃based power devices
………………………………………………………… ZHAO Bin, QIN Hai⁃hong, MA Ce⁃yu, et al. (18)
Analysis and design of output current ripple reduction in forward converter with integrated magnetics
……………………………………………………………… LU Zeng⁃yi, CHEN Wei, CHEN Zhi⁃yu (23)
Method of current regulator design for PWM rectifier at low switching frequency
……………………………………………………… SONG Wen⁃xiang, DONG Ying, ZHU Hong⁃zhi (27)
Combined bi⁃directional step⁃up DC⁃DC converter mode inverters with high frequency link
……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Yan⁃hui, CHEN Dao⁃lian (32)
Research of electromagnetic compatibility optimization technology of battery management system
…………………………………………………………… LI Xu, WANG Li⁃fang, HE Ju⁃gang, et al. (39)
Robust and global optimizer based on ant colony algorithm for inverse problems in electromagnetics
……………………………………………………………………………… NIE Man, YANG Shi⁃you (44)
Uniformity of stiffness coefficient of electromagnetic railgun and formation of gouge
…………………………………………………… YANG Dan, YUAN Wei⁃qun, ZHAO Ying, et al. (48)
Summary and Review
Review of energy storage technology for new energy power system
………………………………………………………… CONG Jing, SONG Kun, LU Hai⁃wei, et al. (53)
New Technology Application
Double closed loops control of PCC power flow of photovoltaic microgrid and its application
………………………………………… CHEN Ren⁃feng, HUANG Shao⁃wei, CHEN Lai⁃jun, et al. (60)
Rationality analysis of dq transform applied for instantaneous detection of voltage dip
…………………………………………………………… LUO Chao, TAO Shun, XIAO Xiang⁃ning (66)
Transformer circulation loss calculation and software design
………………………………………………………… LI Yan, ZHANG Zhen⁃hai, LI Guo⁃li, et al. (71)