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第35 卷第1 期(总第151 期)  2016 年1 月
目  次

IRP 理论和IEEE Std 1459⁃2010 在变流器驱动电机能效测试中的应用比较


  日期:2014-05-09     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

High efficiency class⁃E RF power amplifier
for wireless power transfer system
CHU Jiang⁃long, LI Yu⁃ling, YANG Shi⁃you
(College of Electrical Engineering of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
Abstract: Power amplifier as the power source of wireless power transfer system is a critical part in this system, al⁃
so called witricity. To improve the efficiency of the whole system and adapt to different coil structure, a high effi⁃
ciency class⁃E power amplifier is developed. To determine the S⁃parameters in modelling board layout for electro⁃
magnetic analysis, the method of moments (MOM) is employed. Also the electromagnetic compatibility issues in
designing are carefully considered. This paper provides the design steps and simulation results. The practical am⁃
plifier can provides a peak Power⁃Added⁃Efficiency of 93% with a power gain of 19􀆰 9 dB at an output power of
43􀆰 9 dBm. A power gain of 19 dB and PAE of 89% can be achieved for different coil structure. A PAE more than
60% can be got for different internal resistance or coil distance coil structure. Those experimental results confirm
positively the feasibility of the proposed work.
Key words: wireless power transfer; class⁃E power amplifier; ADS; MOM

Study on signal reverse transmission in ICPT system
LIU Yang, WANG Zhi⁃hui, TANG Chun⁃sen, SUN Yue, FU Si⁃qing
(College of Automation, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400040, China)
Abstract: According to the problem of digital signal reverse transmission in the Inductively Coupled Power Transfer
(ICPT) system, a new method for signal reverse transmission based on reflected impedance modulation is pro⁃
posed. This method is implemented to regulate the capacity value of the secondary loop according to the signal
transmitted, then monitor the current wave of the primary circuit to demodulate signal. In this paper, how the re⁃
flected impedance influence the current is analyzed and approved by the experimental verification.
Key words: ICPT; reflected impedance; signal reverse transmission

Design and study of high efficiency quasi resonant Buck converter
WANG Jin⁃long, ZHANG Fang⁃hua, ZHANG Shuai
(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Abstract: When the inductor current of boundary conduction mode (BCM) Buck converter falls to zero, the output
filter inductor will resonate with the capacitor across the switch called Quasi Resonant. If the switch is turned on
when the voltage of resonant capacitor is zero, ZVS and ZCS turn⁃on can be achieved, and the switching loss is e⁃
liminated. This thesis analyses the resonance between output inductor and the capacitor in detail, and find out the
time when the voltage across the switch is zero. Then by using a proper delay circuit, zero voltage switching and ze⁃
ro current switching of switch are assured. When the Buck converter works in BCM mode the output filter inductor
is small, and the reverse recovery loss of diode is eliminated, so dynamic performance can be improved. And there
is a capacitor across the switch when it is turned off, and ZVS turn⁃off is achieved. At last a 3kw prototype is de⁃
signed, and the highest efficiency is 98􀆰 7%.
Key words: boundary conduction; ZVS/ ZCS; quasi resonant; delay circuit

Model predictive direct torque control of induction motors
RUAN Zhi⁃yong, SONG Wen⁃xiang, ZHU Hong⁃zhi
(School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China)
Abstract: This paper presents a novel model predictive direct torque control (MPDTC) methodology for induction
motors to remedy the drawback with large pulsating torque and stator flux output of the traditional direct torque con⁃
trol (DTC). On the basis of the mathematical model of an inverter driving induction motor, a discrete⁃time predic⁃
tive model has been developed. By utilizing the online optimization algorithm, a cost function evaluates the square
sum of torque and stator flux magnitude errors for each switching state in a two⁃level inverter. The voltage vector
with the lowest error is then selected to be applied on inverter. The performance of the presented MPDTC scheme is
compared with the traditional DTC. Simulation results show that the presented MPDTC scheme can reduce the flux
and torque ripple effectively and lower the current harmonic distortion while inherit the fast transient response from
the traditional DTC.
Key words: induction motor; direct torque control (DTC); torque ripple; model predictive control (MPC)

Heat dissipating performance research of direct⁃cooling IGBT module
SUN Wei1,2,3, LIU Jun1,2,3, SU Wei1,2,3, TAI Xiang1,2,3
(1. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive(Institute of Electrical Engineering,
Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing 100190, China; 3. Beijing Engineering Laboratory of
Electrical Drive System & Power Electronic Device Packaging Technology, Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: The temperature of the components of the power electronic equipment is one of the key factors for its per⁃
formance and reliability. For the heat dissipation of the IGBT power module, one of the most popular research focus
is using the direct cooling technology to integrate the radiating fins into the copper substrate of the power module in
the design phase. This structure ensures the installation of the IGBT module doesn􀆳t need to use the thermal inter⁃
face materials to connect the module copper substrate and the cooling plate any longer, thus makes the entire ther⁃
mal resistance of the module to be reduced significantly. In this paper, we tested the heat dissipating performance
of a self⁃developed 2 in 1 direct cooling IGBT module and contrasted with the traditional indirect cooling module.
The experiment results show that entire thermal resistance of the direct cooling module is reduced up to 33%,
meanwhile the temperature field distribution is more uniform. In this paper, we also established a simulation model
for the direct cooling power module, which has a satisfied consistency with the test results, therefore we can use the
model to research the heat dissipating performance of the direct cooling module deeply. Key words: power module; direct cooling; temperature field; thermal resistance

Design and implementation of DC⁃module grid⁃connected inverter for
photovoltaic system
HUANG Jian⁃ming, WU Chun⁃hua, XU Fu⁃qiang
(Shanghai University Department of Automation, Shanghai Key Laboratory of
Power Station Automation Technology, Shanghai 200072, China)
Abstract: In this paper, a DC⁃modular photovoltaic grid⁃connected control system has been researched and de⁃
signed, which is based on a common DC bus grid system. A structure about dc module of the common dc bus in the
former stage and centralized grid⁃connected inverter in the later stage is adopted in the system. The reliability and
flexibility of the system can be improved, and the stress of power devices can be reduced, moreover, the redundan⁃
cy of the system can be enhanced by this structure. The mathematical model and the corresponding design method
of the grid⁃connected inverter are introduced in detail in this paper. Finally, an experimental prototype is designed
for test, and the experimental results verify the feasibility and correctness of the controller design method.
Key words: DC modular; grid⁃connected control; photovoltaic; parallel

Diagnosis of XLPE cable insulation using polarization
and depolarization current measurements
LI Chen, LEI Yong, ZHOU Kai, YAN Jia⁃jun, HUANG Hao
(Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
Abstract: A non⁃destructive polarization and depolarization current (PDC) measurements is studied for the diagno⁃
sis of crosslinked polyethylene cable insulation aging state. According to the basic principle of the method the polar⁃
ization and depolarization current measurements were performed on aged cables in the laboratory and field⁃aged ca⁃
bles which were removed from service by building a test platform in the laboratory. The low⁃frequency part of the
depolarization current is linearly fitted with the least⁃square method. Comparison of the size of the fitting line slope
was made, which reflects the differences in depolarization process to analyze the variation of each cable insulation
depolarizing current. The results show that this new method can effectively evaluate the aging status of cables
through PDC test for XLPE cable and analysis of depolarization current measurement curve. Key words: polarization and depolarization current; XLPE cable; aging state; diagnosis; least⁃square method

Analysis of transformer vibration signal based on cross wavelet transform
WANG Feng, YUAN Jin⁃sha, LI Zhong
(1. Baoding Railway Transformer Co. , Ltd. of Electrification Bureau Group of China Railway,
Baoding 071051, China; 2. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China
Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China)
Abstract: Analysis of correlation of vibration signal spectrum on each measuring point of the transformer and re⁃
moval of spectrum interference of other measuring points have important significance for accurate extraction of
characterization of transformer working parameters and realization of on⁃line monitoring. In the paper, cross wavelet
transform is used to analyze the correlation of the signals at different measuring points of the transformer in time⁃
space domain, so as to obtain the rule of the variation of versus time and frequency, and also the spectrum compo⁃
nents that are strongly correlated with the signals. The obtained results are compared with the spectrum components
of the original signals, and the spectrum components that are independent of other signals of the measuring points
can be obtained. The results thus obtained can provide effective reference for monitored transformer’s operating
conditions. Key words: transformer; vibration signal; time⁃frequency analysis; cross wavelet

Emergency control for transient stability of power system based on WPSO
WANG Yi⁃hong, QIN Xiao⁃hui, ZHOU Qin⁃yong, WANG Yi⁃bing
(1. China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China;
2. Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: When wavelet variation operation is increased on the basis of standard particle swarm optimization algo⁃
rithm (SPSO), an innovative hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm (WPSO) is formed. Based on the WP⁃
SO, aiming to the UHV power system containing 1000 kV and 500 kV lines, we can carry out the coordination opti⁃
mization of emergency control for transient stability problem, here, the transient stability includes transient voltage
stability and transient power angle stability. Then we give a generator tripping strategy table for different UHV pow⁃
er flow section. The proposed WPSO⁃based approach has a better global convergence property and can obtain a
higher quality of the optimal solution. Simulation results in the testing and demonstrating project of UHV power sys⁃
tem show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Key words: particle swarm optimization; wavelet variation; transient stability; emergency control

Overview of integrating STATCOM with battery energy
storage system (STATCOM / BESS)
LI Ning⁃ning, JI Yan⁃chao, WANG Jian⁃ze, LIU Yi⁃qi
(School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
Abstract: STATCOM has played a huge role in compensation for reactive power in power system, It can not pro⁃
vide active support because there is no active power storage in DC side. Battery energy storage system can provide
active support for the system, but for a few studies of reactive power compensation, it can not support the reactive
power for the power system. The integration of an battery energy storage (BESS) and a STATCOM can compensate
system with both active and reactive power which system needs as quick as possible, It can solve power quality
problems in the power systems flexibly. A comprehensive active and reactive power regulation can solve the power
system oscillations, improve power quality, improve the reliability of power supply, and also can stabilize the fluc⁃
tuation of new energy generation. This paper will introduce the BESS integrating methods, the characteristics of a
variety of access methods for analysis, the main circuit topology and the characteristics of various topologies and fi⁃
nally the analysis of its application in power system.
Key words: battery energy storage; STATCOM; power quality; reactive power compensation

Capability of accommodating wind power for different dispatching
models based on economy
JIANG Yue⁃wen, WEN Bu⁃ying
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract: With the increasing of wind power integrated power system, the grid has begun to abandon wind energy
to a certain extent. Dispatching models will directly impact the capability of accommodating wind power. This paper
proposes three dispatching models for considering minimum system operation cost and abandoning wind energy、min⁃
imum system operation cost and minimum abandoning wind energy. In order to solve the models, hierarchical opti⁃
mization algorithm is proposed. The outside algorithm is dynamic programming algorithm based on segmentation
breakpoint and the inside algorithm is Muti⁃Intelligent⁃Agent System particle swarm optimization (MIAS⁃ PSO). By
testing a simulation example, the optimal wind power integrated grid is obtained based on the dispatching economy. Key words: dispatching model; capability of accommodating wind power; economic comparison; hierarchical opti⁃
mization; MIAS⁃PSO

Insulation rejuvenation techniques and micro⁃structure analysis
for water tree aged XLPE cables
ZHOU Kai, XIONG Qing, ZHAO Wei, LIU Fan, YAO Guang
(1. School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Chengdu 610065, China;
2. Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Chengdu 610072, China;
3. Sichuan Luzhou Electric Power Company, Luzhou 646000, China)
Abstract: In order to solve problems of aging cables in an urban distribution grid, a siloxane liquid is used to cure
water tree in aged XLPE cables by a pressure injecting method. By understanding the principle of water tree growth
and the diffuse process of the liquid, the rejuvenation mechanism is well explained. Cable samples are aged until
obvious water tree is observed in the sample. The water tree is cured by a rejuvenated liquid with a pressured sys⁃
tem. Comparing the insulation performances of aged samples and rejuvenated samples, resistive current of the reju⁃
venated samples decreases and breakdown voltage of the rejuvenated samples is obviously increased. Depending on
analysis of SEM and XPS for the water tree region, the filling compound is observed in the water tree voids, which
is mainly composed of Ti and Si element. Moreover, a rejuvenation experiment is performed on site for a cable and
dielectric loss factor of the injected cable is clearly reduced. According to the results of the experiment and the mi⁃
cro analysis, the injecting technique can greatly improve the insulation of aged cables, and the filling compound in
the water tree voids have the good effect of filling and insulation.
Key words: water tree; aging; XLPE cable; rejuvenation; resistive current

Research of over⁃current protection based on HCPL⁃316J
SU Wei1,2, ZHONG Yu⁃lin1,2, LIU Jun1,2, WEN Xu⁃hui1,2
(1. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: The IGBT module will be damaged when the current is beyond the limit of safe operation area. This paper
designed a low cost and high reliability driving circuit based on the HCPL⁃316J driving chip. The detailed driving
circuit and working process were analyzed considering the over⁃current protection feature first. Then the simulation
circuit of the drive circuit was established using the simulation software. The simulation result verified the theoreti⁃
cal analysis. Finally the experimental results also verified the validity of the analysis of the IGBT drive circuit.
Key words: IGBT drive circuit; HCPL⁃316J; over⁃current protection

Engineering calculation of winding temperature rise
for YJKK series high⁃voltage motor
XIA Yun⁃yan, MENG Da⁃wei, HE Jin⁃ze, XIA Yun⁃shuang
(1. College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology,
Harbin 150080, China; 2. Guangxi Power Grid Corporation, Baise Power Supply Bureau,
Baise 533000, China)
Abstract: The heating and cooling process of motor stator and rotor windings in motor starting operation has been
analyzed to carry out the accurately calculation of starting temperature rise and safety running for box⁃type compact
medium⁃sized high⁃voltage motors. To obtain a practical calculation method, which is used to calculate motor aver⁃
age starting temperature rise, the ventilation network model is established and studied according to the specific ven⁃
tilation structure of the motor. The heating of motor stator and rotor winding is calculated by motor dynamic charac⁃
teristic curves considering the flux changes; and motor heat dissipation is calculated by the cooling gas flow. The
successive time is segmented and winding temperature rise is calculated according to the heat generation and heat
dissipation in each time period. The method is used to calculate the winding temperature rise of YJKK500⁃4,
2500kW motor with different load, the simulation results are close to experimental results, which satisfy the engi⁃
neering demands. Key words: medium⁃sized high⁃voltage motor; winding temperature rise; windage network; starting characteristic

Material compatibility research of evaporative cooling technology
applied to large electronic equipment cooling
ZHANG Peng1,2, RUAN Lin, XIONG Bin
(1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: With the development of the electronics and information technology, the heat dissipation problem has be⁃
come the development bottleneck of electronic equipment, especially large⁃scale high⁃density electronic devices. E⁃
vaporative cooling technology of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, utilizing
phase change latent of cooling medium, cooling capacity has the great advantage than traditional air⁃cooled cooling
technology. When it is applied to large electronic equipment cooling, material compatibility is an important prob⁃
lem, which requires the first study. This paper describes materials compatibility experimental research and analysis
between cooling media and electronic equipment. And the experimental results provide cooling media screening
guidance for electronic equipment, which provide important technical support for evaporative cooling technology ap⁃
plying to large⁃scale electronic equipment, in future.
Key words: material compatibility; evaporative cooling; electronic equipment
