2014年6月1日至5日,两年一次的2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (2014 IPMHVC: 国际功率调制与高电压会议)在美国西南的新墨西哥州州府圣达菲(Santa Fe)召开,国际功率调制与高电压会议是国际脉冲功率调制器、高电压工程及其应用领域最高级别的系列会议。会议是面向从事功率调制器及相关高电压技术领域的科研、工程技术人员的国际性学术会议,是本领域科技人员交流、学习的盛会,历史悠久,在国际上很有影响力。会议主题涉及固体功率调制器、元件及开关,电介质和击穿,功率电子与电源,生物、医学和环境领域应用,开关,高压测试和诊断等,与我们的研究方向密切相关。IPMHVC按照传统该会议由IEEE DEIS承办,参会人员近300人,中国代表近20人,清华大学、华中科技大学、复旦大学、中国工程物理研究院和中科院等离子体所等单位均有专家和研究生出席。
我所邵涛和孙鹞鸿前往参会,且均是该会议的技术委员会成员。邵涛应邀作为Session Chair主持了Oral Session 7: Analytical Methods。
会议收到投稿300余篇摘要,本组投稿论文10余篇,论文全文集由IEEE会后出版,其中延长版论文将在IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation2014年8月正刊出版,且邵涛作为Guest editors 之一。会议上,邵涛做了题为“Characteristics of Diffuse Discharges Sustained by Pulsed Power in Open Air,”“Improvement of PMMA Surface Flashover Performance in Vacuum after Hydrophobic Modification by DBD Plasma,” “Characteristics of Runaway Electron Beams in Nanosecond-Pulse Gas Discharges,” “Characteristics of Conduction Current and its Influencing Factors in Nanosecond-Pulse Diffuse Discharges” , “Atmospheric –Pressure Plasma Jet in He and Ar Driven by Microsecond Pulses”, and “A Microsecond Generator Based on Pulse Transformer and Its Discharge Applications”墙报。孙鹞鸿做了“Surface Flashover of Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Treated PMMA in Transformer Oil”,“Experimental study on rock fracturing using pulsed power technology”的口头报告和“Development of a phased array sparker”,“A Test Bench for Magnetic Cores at High Magnetization”,“Design and Performance of a 50-kJ Pulse Generator”,“Design of a Novel Multi-Stage Solid-State Marx Generator Based on Power MOSFET”,“Simulation Analyses of Electromagnetic Rail Launcher System With an Improved Model”,“Study of the Clamp Diodes of Grid-Emitter Influencing the Active Voltage Balancing of Series Connected IGBTS”,“Research on Transient Thermal Management of Capacitor Charging Power Supply”,“Remote Control System of Nanosecond Pulse Power Supply” 的墙报。
IEEE IPMHVC2016会议主席是美国斯坦福加速器中心的Mark Kemp,会议将在2016年7月于美国旧金山召开。