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·27th IEEE EMBS 2005


电磁场仿真中心-交流合作--27th Annaual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’05)
  日期:2005-09-01     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

The 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society will be held in Shanghai, China, on September 1-4, 2005. This conference will offer an opportunity to gather researchers, educators and developers from academic fields and industries worldwide to share their research results and exchange ideas covering all the areas of biomedical engineering. Special pre-conference workshops and mini-symposia on emerging techniques in biomedical engineering and relevant disciplines are planned. Apart from the technical programs, student activities and social programs, such as local tours around Shanghai and surrounding areas, are also available for attendees and their guests.



