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第35 卷第1 期(总第151 期)  2016 年1 月
目  次

IRP 理论和IEEE Std 1459⁃2010 在变流器驱动电机能效测试中的应用比较


  日期:2014-08-14     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

Main determinant factors in the maximum cooling length of HTS DC cable
WANG Bang⁃zhu1,2,3, DAI Shao⁃tao1,3, TENG Yu⁃ping1,3
(1. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: It is a groundwork of configuration of high temperature superconducting (HTS) direct current (DC) ca⁃
ble system to make clear what factors and how they influence the maximum cooling length (MCL). The paper built
a parallel⁃flow hydro⁃thermodynamic model of the cable cooling system and based on it analytical method was em⁃
ployed to investigate the relationships between MCL and external heat loss, mass flow, and other cable parameters
respectively under static condition of the cable system. The results show that external heat loss and MCL has a neg⁃
ative correlation; mass flow rate elongates MCL only within a certain range; heat exchange between inner and outer
flow has little influence on MCL; wall roughness decreases the MCL with a given flow rate; and within a certain
range larger diameter of inner cryogenic pipe leads to longer MCL. The reasons behind the results were analyzed
and the significance of each result on engineering practice was stated briefly. The results presented are of impor⁃
tance to HTS cable system configuration, particularly in long length scenario.
Key words: HTS DC cable; long length; analytical method; cooling length; parameter relationship

Design of AC loss testing system of HTS cable based on LabVIEW
CHEN Xiao⁃yu1,2, ZHU Jia⁃hui, FANG Jin, LI Hui⁃feng1,2, QIU Ming
(1. School of Electric Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
2. China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China)
Abstract: The AC loss is an important factor in design and operation of the superconducting equipment. In order to
study the cold insulation AC loss of HTS (High Temperature Superconducting) cable variation, proposed based on
LabVIEW cable AC loss measurement methods and build AC loss measurement system. Experiments using NI's data
acquisition system to obtain the voltage and current signals of a short sample HTS cable outer and inner layers.
Based on cross⁃correlation algorithm derived phase difference of voltage and current signals, in the elimination of
the effect of joint resistance and then calculate the AC losses. At 50 and 60Hz, the measurement of the 0􀆰 2m long,
110kV/1􀆰 5kA HTS cable AC losses of the cable sample model. The results show that in logarithmic coordinates,
the AC loss with transport current increases linearly, after normalized frequency, the loss of the cable curve under
different frequencies was consistent, unit cycles of ac loss values are the same. The research results have certain
reference value for the research and application of HTS cable.
Key words: AC loss; HTS cable; cross⁃correlation algorithm; measurement

Equivalent model and improvement research of large wind power station
LI Yun, WANG De⁃lin
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Abstract: With the increasing of wind farm’s scale, the influence of random variable power upon power grid has
been more and more seriously. In general simulation study about wind farm, it is possible to simplify tens or even
thousands of wind turbines into a few wind turbines with suitable dynamic equivalent model. Therefore, it is very
significant to establish a suitable dynamic equivalent model for actual wind farm under the influence of various fac⁃
tors. This paper analyzes the actual situation of wind speed, and takes both wake effect and time⁃delay effect into
consideration. Next, using coherency method, this paper divides DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) in large⁃
scale wind farms into different regions, and then makes the wind turbines within the same region equivalent to one.
Furthermore, based on the Matlab/ Simulink, the equivalent effect at different wind speeds and fault conditions is
studied. Finally, the correctness of equivalent method is validated in this paper as to provide a reference model for
researches on large grid connected wind farms.
Key words: DFIG; dynamic equivalence; wake effect; time⁃delay effect

Strategy of reactive power control for distributed wind farm
operation using SVC and DFIG
LI Wei, YAN Ning, XING Zuo⁃xia, ZHANG Bo
(1. School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;
2. Wind Energy Institute, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110023, China;
3. Research Institution of Special Electrical Machines, Shenyang University of Technology,
Shenyang 110870, China)
Abstract: For distributed wind farm consisting of DFIG with dynamic reactive power regulation, a parallel reactive
power compensation scheme was proposed. To achieve the reactive power optimization, both SVC installed in wind
farm and the reactive power adjustment ability of DFIG are used. The wind farm reactive power requirements from
the relative voltage offset of the voltage control bus is obtained according to DFIG and SVC actual reactive power
production ability to assign reactive power generating based on reducing generator losses. In steady state, two⁃level
reactive power allocation can not only make full use of reactive power capability of DFIG driven wind turbines, but
also reduce wind farm’s generator losses. Example shows that the proposed strategy can make full use of reactive
power regulating ability of distributed wind farm to restrain voltage fluctuation caused by disturbances such as wind
speed or load variation and maintain voltage stability in interconnected regional power grid.
Key words: DFIG; SVC; voltage control; minimum of losses

Experimental study of flow boiling in microchannel system
for high⁃heat⁃flux power electronic devices
HU Xiao, LIN Gui⁃ping, WANG Yu⁃peng, YE Qing, ZONG Bo, QIAO Er⁃min
(1. Smart Grid Research Institute, State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100192, China;
2. School of Aeronautical Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Beijing 100191, China; 3. Fuxin Electric Power Distribution Company of Liaoning Electric
Power Limited Company, Fuxin 123000, China)
Abstract: Microchannel cooling system is a promising high heat flux cooling technique for applications, such as
VLSI (very large scale integrated) circuits, high power semiconductors, next generation spacecrafts and laser ther⁃
mal weapons, due to its compactness, large surface⁃to⁃volume ratio, high aspect ratio and minimal coolant usage
especially under phase⁃change conditions. A closed⁃loop microchannels cooling system was developed to both in⁃
crease the heat dissipating flux and help maintain a low device temperature. The microchannels heat sink was made
of oxygen⁃free copper, and 17 parallel microchannels with the dimension of 0􀆰 6mm(W) ×2mm(D) × 20mm(L)
were formed. Experiments were performed with de⁃ionized water that spanned the following conditions: entrance
pressure of Pin =38􀆰 9 ~166􀆰 8kPa, flow rate of V =3􀆰 2 ~20L/ h, mass velocity of G =42 ~262kg/ m2s and heat
flux of q″ =6􀆰 6 ~220W/ cm2. The experimental data showed that the IGBT surface temperature increased with sys⁃
tem pressure, while heat transfer coefficients decreased with system pressure. When the IGBT surface was kept be⁃
low 80℃, the maximum heat flux achieved 100W/ cm2.
Key words: insulated gate bipolar transistor; microchannels; flow boiling; reduced pressure; heat transfer

Constant frequency turn⁃on time control of dynamic
voltage scaling switching converters
XU Yang⁃jun, XU Jian⁃ping, WANG Jin⁃ping, HE Sheng⁃zhong
(Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle, Ministry of Education,
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Abstract: Constant Turn⁃On Time (COT) control technique has been widely used for industrial application. It reg⁃
ulates output voltage of switching converter by adjusting variation of switch frequency. Constant Frequency Turn⁃On
Time (CFOT) control of dynamic voltage scaling switching converters is proposed in this paper. Based on the Con⁃
stant On⁃Time, by the introduction of the input voltage feed⁃forward and output reference voltage feedback loop con⁃
stant switching operating frequency under different input and/ or output voltage conditions is realized. Research re⁃
sults show that similar to COT control technique, CFOT also benefits simple control loop and fast transient response, moreover, error amplifier and its corresponding compensation network are not needed. In addition, it can
make the switching frequency independent of the variation of input voltage and output voltage.
Key words: COT control; CFOT control; constant frequency; dynamic voltage scaling

Research on model predictive control of three⁃phase inverter
HAN Jin⁃gang, MA Zhi⁃yuan, ZHAO Ming, TANG Tian⁃hao
(Logistics Engineering College of Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: Model predictive control is based on the discrete model of the system to predict the future behavior of the
inverter. The optimal voltage is determined by calculation of the cost function of every voltage vector. Then the op⁃
timal switching state is achieved according the selected voltage vector. The paper analyzes the principles of model
predictive control for the three⁃phase voltage source inverter in the stationary coordinate system. And the model is
developed under the environment of MATLAB/ Simulink. Then the characteristics of the evaluation function are
presented. And the effects of parameter error on the control performance are discussed. The steady⁃state and dy⁃
namic performance on model predictive control of a three⁃phase inverter are shown considering the influence of dif⁃
ferent sampling frequency. The experimental platform is developed and dSPACE/ DS1104 is used as a controller for
the model predictive control. The simulation and experimental results show that model predictive control is simple,
with good dynamic response and high efficiency compared with other control strategies. Key words: model predictive control; inverter; cost function; dSPACE

Theoretical analysis and experiment research of driving circuit
for ultrasonic motor based on LCC
FU Ping
(Department of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, Minjiang University, Fuzhou 350121, China)
Abstract: A driving circuit based on LCC is presented in this paper for ultrasonic motor (USM) driving. Firstly a
single phase equivalent circuit model of USM is introduced. Then the operation principle of the driving circuit based
on LCC is described. And thus the mathematical model of the circuit based on LCC can be deduced. The dynamic
parameters of USM will be changed greatly when the motor rotates. The parameters are greatly influenced by the
variation in the quality of the resonant circuit. When the driving circuits based on LCC work about a geometric reso⁃
nant frequency the amplitude and phase of the two phase output voltages of the circuit will not be influenced by the
variation in quality of the resonant circuit. The two phase input voltages of the motor are also fixed. Finally, simu⁃
lation and experiment results of the circuit are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed circuit.
From the above discussion and practical experiments availability of the driving circuit based on LCC can be veri⁃
fied. The driving circuit based on LCC is used for designing theory and performance improvement and control of ul⁃
trasonic motor, and also for increased performance of ultrasonic motor control. Key words: LCC; resonant driving circuit; ultrasonic motor

Phase distribution in evolution of partial discharge in needle⁃plate model
under combined AC⁃DC electric field
WANG Qiong, QI Bo, CHEN Bo
(1. Inner Monogolia Electric Power Science & Research Institute, Huhhot 010020, China; 2. State Key Laborato⁃
ry of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage
  and EMC, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)
Abstract: Converter transformer is the key equipment of rectification and inversion in DC transmission system and
its operational status directly affects the safety and reliability of the system. The valve side winding of converter
transformer is working under complex voltages, so the failure rate caused by its insulation deterioration lies high.
Therefore, investigating the evolution of partial discharge(PD)under combined AC⁃DC voltage has become a meth⁃
od of giving information about the insulation level of deterioration in converter transformer, which can be used as the
basis for fault diagnosis of the converter transformer. In this paper, during the PD process, the characteristics of
discharge spectrum in statistical time period are taken as the external presentation of insulation deterioration, and a
mathematical model, which is capable of explaining the relationship between phase distribution characteristic and
the insulation deterioration level, is built based on the energy conversion. The conclusions in the paper are: phase
distribution can also be used as one characteristic quantity in the assessment of insulation deterioration level of PD,
and a certain relationship exists between them; during the PD evolution, the test sample shows different impedance
under combined AC and DC voltages, because at different insulation deterioration level, the equivalent impedance
is not the same, and that is the reason for the charges of the discharge phase distribution.
Key words: combined AC⁃DC electric field; needle⁃plate model; partial discharge; PD evolution; phase distribu⁃
tion; mathematical model

Streamer corona discharge simulations of coaxial gap in SF6 / N2 gas mixtures
LI Meng, WANG Feng, ZHANG Ying⁃li, LI Zhuo
(1. Zhumadian Power Supply Company of Henan Provincial Electric Power Company, Zhumadian 463000, China;
2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
Abstract: The use of gas⁃insulated transmission line as an effective supplement for cables and overhead lines will
play an important role in power development. The fluid method is used to analyze streamer corona discharge mecha⁃
nism in coaxial gap in SF6 / N2 gas mixtures which is the future alternative for pure SF6. The finite element⁃flux cor⁃
rected transport technique (FEM⁃FCT) based on the unstructured mesh is used to solve continuity equations for e⁃
lectrons, positive ions, and negative ions. The finite element method (FEM) is used to solve Poisson electric field
distortion caused by space charge. 2⁃dimensional simulations of streamer corona discharge process in SF6 / N2 gas
mixtures between coaxial electrodes are achieved. The results show that electric field is balanced by streamer coro⁃
na, and streamer corona will disappear after a period of time with low applied voltage. Less time is needed to form
streamer corona in SF6 than 50%⁃50% SF6 / N2 gas mixtures. The effect of photoionization is stronger than photoe⁃
Key words: GIL; coaxial gap; corona discharge; FEM⁃FCT; gas mixtures

Research progress of high⁃temperature superconducting bearing
YU Zhi⁃qiang1,2,3,4, ZHANG Guo⁃min1,2, QIU Qing⁃quan1,2, HU Lei1,2, ZHANG Wen⁃feng1,2,3
(1. Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
2. Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 4. College of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China)
Abstract: When the high⁃temperature superconductor obtains the superconducting state, part of the magnetic flux
lines enter into the superconductor and the permanent magnet can levitate stably without control due to flux pinning
effect. This levitation characteristic is passive self⁃stability. One of the important applications of this characteristic
is the high⁃temperature superconducting bearings (HTSB). Due to the advantages of passive self⁃stability, non⁃
contact and low⁃loss, etc. it attracts more and more attention, and has some applications in flywheel energy storage
system (FESS), high⁃speed rotor and rotating machinery. This paper introduced main structure of HTSB and its
basic working principle. The axial⁃type HTSB is compared with radial⁃type HTSB in configuration. And the devel⁃
opment status of HTSB designing institutions at home and abroad in detail are presented. In the end, the focus on
current research and its applications are also discussed.
Key words: passive self⁃stability; high⁃temperature superconducting bearing (HTSB); axial⁃type; radial⁃type

Calculation of optimal power flow problem using search algorithm
based on weight of gravitation
XIAO Er⁃liang, LIN Wei, MAO Hai⁃jun, JU Jun⁃ping
(Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,
Shanghai 200093, China)
Abstract: The gravitational force search algorithm is a new heuristic algorithm proposed by Professor Esmat Rashe⁃
di. This article describes the search algorithm based on the weight of gravitation used in the calculation of the opti⁃
mal power flow. Compared with the gravitational search algorithm, the algorithm adds a weight value on the inertial
mass of the particles in every iteration of the process. The algorithm will be applied to the standard IEEE30 and
standard IEEE57 node system, and is compared with particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms. The power
generation cost minimization is selected as the objective function, and the convergence of the three algorithms, the
number of iterations and the computing time are compared. Experimental results show that the improved gravitation⁃
al force search algorithm can be successfully and effectively find the best optimum control variable setting of the test
system, and also the robustness and superiority of the improved the GSA algorithm for optimal power flow problem
are proved. Key words: power systems; optimal power flow; gravitational search algorithm; node system

Study of prediction method for audible noise of EHV transmission line
LI Yong⁃ming, WANG Yu⁃qiang, XU Lu⁃wen, SHEN Jie
(1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing Uni⁃
versity, Chongqing 400044, China; 2. Chongqing Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Chongqing 401123,
  China; 3. Urban Power Supply Bureau of Chongqing Electric Power Company, Chongqing 400014, China)
Abstract: In order to study the audible noise of transmission line, 4 prediction models which include gray theory,
radius basis function neural network, grey⁃RBF neural network and wave neural network are established, and the
characteristics of each method are analyzed. Moreover, 14 factors which affect the audible noise of transmission
line, such as environment, location, conductor and circuit structure parameter, are considered for each prediction
model. When using grey theory to predict the noise, the gray correlation degree of each influence factor is firstly
calculated by Gray correlation analysis, then 6 factors whose correlation degree is more than 0􀆰 8404 are selected to
establish the GM(1,7) model. With examples, the prediction accuracy for Inlaid Grey RBF neural network and
wave neural network is much higher, and the relatively error is respectively 2􀆰 222% and 2􀆰 853%, therefore, they
can be used to predict the audible noise of transmission line. The combination prediction method has a higher accu⁃
racy than the single method, and it can improve the stability of prediction.
Key words: audible noise; transmission lines; grey model; RBF neural network model; grey⁃neural network mod⁃
el; wavelet neural network

Experiment on GaAs PCSS’s on⁃resistance with solid⁃state
planar Blumlein line
SHEN Yi, WANG Wei, LIU Yi, XIA Lian⁃sheng, ZHANG Huang, ZHU Jun,
SHI Jin⁃shui, ZHANG Lin⁃wen
(Institute of Fluid Physics, Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power, China Academy of
Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China)
Abstract: In order to develop the compact pulse power system, the experiment on GaAs photoconductive semicon⁃
ductor switch (PCSS)’s on⁃resistance has been studied. With 2mm⁃thick solid⁃state planar Blumlein line, GaAs
PCSS is triggered with the high power pulse laser diode. GaAs PCSS turned⁃on the lock⁃on mode under the pulsed
bias voltage. A 22􀆰 3kV high voltage pulse was obtained on load through Blumlein line, which satisfied the design
of compact pulse power system. The PCSS’s on⁃resistance of 4􀆰 1Ω was calculated according to bias voltage, output
voltage and impedance of Blumlein line. Moreover, the relationship between GaAs PCSS’s on⁃resistance and bias
voltage, laser energy were studied under the lock⁃on mode of PCSS.
Key words: pulsed power technology; solid⁃state planar Blumlein line; GaAs PCSS; on⁃resistance

Novel voltage balancing charger for series⁃connected energy storage system
LI Hong⁃zhu, WANG Xu⁃sheng, CHEN Shu⁃han, QI Lin
(College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China)
Abstract: In the series⁃connected energy storage modules of super capacitors (SCs) the monomer voltage imbal⁃
ance can lead to premature deterioration of modules, such as decrease of life span and energy efficiency. However,
the conventional topologies in DC⁃DC voltage equalization approach consist of numerous switches, inductor, or
transformers, so the circuit size and complexity are prone to increase with the number of series connections. This
paper proposes a voltage equilibrium system which is based on Boost topology structure. Due to the single⁃switch
single⁃inductor topology equalization charger structure, the proposed equalization can dramatically reduce the circuit
size and improve the reliability of the system. The equilibrium process and the equilibrium principle of the circuit
are analyzed using an equivalent circuit and gives out the constant current constant voltage charging method. An ex⁃
perimental charge test was implemented for 3 series⁃connected SC modules, and the result showed that the proposed
equalization charger has a higher efficiency. Key words: super capacitor; voltage imbalance; equivalent circuit
