Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameLili Zeng Date of Birth   
SexFemale  Degreebachelor 
Place of Birth  Professional TitleSenior Engineer 
Tel010-82547083  Administrative Title 
Research Directions:Power electronics and automatic control
Education and Work Experiences:1983.9~1987.7, Electrified railway Institute of Beijing Jiaotong University, undergraduate graduation, the bachelor degree.
1987.8~ 1992.12, the Ministry of Railways electrification project, assistant engineer, engaged in railway construction and measurement.
1993.1~1997.4, the Ministry of Railways electrification projects, engineers, in the electrification of the railway signal control project survey and design work.
1997.5~2000.12, the CAS IEE, engineers, in the linear motor control system research and development work.
2000.12~as yet, the CAS IEE, senior engineer, in power electronics technology research and laboratory management.
Projects:*2005.7-2006.12, Country"10th Five-Year Plan " 863 Project ¨C Research on reliability and durability of electric bus motor drive system. [ Finished]

*2007.10-2008.12, Country"11th Five-Year Plan" 863 Project - Research on detection and rapid assessment method of vehicle motor drive system. [ In progress]
Main Achievements:Organizations established the "electric vehicle electrical drive system dynamic test platform". In 2003, through the organization and equipment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the expert group demonstrated assessment, completed in 2006 platform installation work structures. Copies of the exchange of power Dynamometer loading device for the integration of electric vehicles electrical system dynamic test platform to meet the electric vehicle drive system testing and the development needs of the relevant research work needs to be direct services borne by the State Ministry of Science and Technology, CAS, local government and enterprise-related research commissioned by the task.
Publications:Representative papers: 1, Zeng Lili, Wen Xuhui, Hu Wei, Liu Jun. Electric Vehicle Automotive Testing System Design and Application. Electrical Technology. 2008 No.4, p34-37
2, Zeng Lili. PWM DC-DC Converters Full-bridge Control Circuit Debug. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrical Papers Report Set. 2001, 35:52-54
3, Xu Zhijie, Zeng Lili, Ma Gang. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle 30 KW DC / DC Converters Development. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrical Papers Report Set. 2001, 36:15-20
4, Wang Li, Wen XuHui, Zeng Lili, Han Li. The Electric Motor-drive Vehicle Distributed Testing System Research and Applications. Micro-computer information. 2006, 11:183-185
Patent applications:
1, Xu Zhijie, Chen Zhongya. Zhou Yudong, Zeng Lili, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle DC-DC Power Supply. 2003, the licensing of: ZL 01 2 79671.9
2, Xu Luning, Xu Zhijie, Zeng Lili. DC - DC Power Converters. 2003, the licensing of: ZL 02 2 55046.1