Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameYumei Du Date of Birth1964.10   
SexFemale  DegreePh.D 
Place of BirthHenan  Professional Title 
Tel86-10-82547067  Administrative Title 
Fax  E-mail 
Research Directions:1. Magnetic levitation and linear drives technology
2. Electric machines
3. Permanent magnetic mechanism
4. Electromagnetic fields numerical computation
Education and Work Experiences:graduated from Xi¡¯an Jiaotong University and received a bachelor degree in electrical engineering in 1985, a master degree in 1999 and a doctor degree in 2008 also in electrical engineering in the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
From 1985 to the present, she has been engaged in the development and research of permanent magnet motors and permanent magnets early. After 2002, she has been working on the research and development of linear motor and magnetic suspension system. At present, as an associate researcher of the technology center of Maglev and Linear driving, her research activities include design of electrical machines, linear motors, analysis of electromagnetic fields in electrical machines and devices etc..
Projects:1. Has participated in and completed a number of projects ,such as: a State ¡°7•5¡±key project£¬a National Natural Science Foundation project, Alpha magnetic spectrometer(AMS magnet)£¬ Ministry of Science and Technology "863" issues on high speed Maglev transportation technology, etc.
2. The knowledge innovation project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ¡°The research on the key technology of in linear motor rail transit¡±is in progress.
Main Achievements:1. An important achievement of the CAS, and several achievements of IEE, CAS
2. An invention patent, and a utility model patents
3. Three patent applications for inventions
4. Published more than 10 papers
Awards:1. An important achievement of the CAS, and several achievements of IEE, CAS
2. An invention patent, and a utility model patents
3. Three patent applications for inventions
4. Published more than 10 papers
1. a National scientific and technological progress second prize
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences, a scientific and technological progress award, a first prize and a third prize.
Publications:1.Y.M. Du, P.C. Xia, L.Y. Xiao, Calculating Magnetic Force of Permanent Magnet Using Maxwell Stress Method, IEEE Trans. On Superconductivity, Vol.10, No.1, March,2000,p1392~1394¡£
2. Yumei Du, Liming Shi, Nengqiang Jin, Analysis of Three-Dimension Force in a Hybrid Maglev Vehicle System, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Electrical Machines an Systems (ICEMS¡¯2003), p563~565, 2003, Beijing¡£
3. Yumei Du, Liming Shi, Nengqiang Jin, Effect of the Permanent Magnet Location to Magnetic Forces in Maglev System with Hybrid Magnets, Maglev¡¯2004 Proceedings, p798~802¡£
4. Du Yumei£¬Computation of unloading force of a PM unloading system for vertical shaft £¬Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy£¬No.2, 1999¡£
5. Du Yumei£¬Xia Pingchou£¬Wang Wu£¬ Force calculation of magnetic blocks in AMS magnet£¬Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy£¬No.3, 2000¡£
6. Chen Kuangfei£¬Du Yumei£¬Study on characteristic of permanent magnetic gear with parallel axis, Small & Special Electrical machines£¬No.4, 2004¡£
7. Wang Housheng, Du Yumei£¬Xia Pingchou£¬Jin Nengqiang, Research on DMS train metal guideway construction£¬Proceedings of the CSEE£¬Vol.25£¬No.7£¬2005¡£
8. Liu Tongjuan, Du Yumei£¬Xu Zhengguo, Xu Shaohui, Jin Nengqiang, Stiffness Study for Control System of Hybrid Magnetic Levitation Systems£¬Electric Drive£¬Vol.36£¬No.5£¬2006¡£
9. Li Chunsheng, Du Yumei, Yan Luguang£¬ 0ptimal design of linear PM Halbach array for EDS maglev£¬High Technology Letters, Vol.17£¬No.7£¬2007¡£
Recruit Students:Intend to recruit electric machines or electrical engineering field Master degree candidate.