Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameXuhui Wen Date of Birth   
SexFemale  DegreePh.D. 
Place of Birth  Professional TitleResearch Fellow 
Tel010-82547082  Administrative TitleSupervisor 
Other Title:Vice supervisor of academic degree commission ,IEE CAS
Member of nation standardization commission
Vice chief commissioner of EV affiliate , China Electrotechnical Society
Member of SAE and IEEE
Research Directions:Motor drive and power electronics
Education and Work Experiences:Wen xuhui received Ph.D.drgree from Tsinghua University in 1993,After that she is always with IEE CAS,now research fellow and supervisor of Ph.D. students.Her interests are in motor drives and power electronics application,and as leader achieved some important projects in EV electrical system of State Ministry of Science and Technology and CAS .By this time she has published 128 papers ,including 26 retrieved by EI,and 1 by SCI,and applied for 16
patents ,including 13 invent and 3 new functional.
Main Achievements:Motor and control system for EV, the 9th Five-Year Plan project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,1996-2000,
Award: Key Science and Technology project achievements ,the 9th Five-Year Plan project
2、 Vehicular signal manage system, the 9th Five-Year Plan project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,1996-2000
3、 Electrical control system and test for fuel-cell EV, the 9th Five-Year Plan project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,1998-2000
4、 Research and development of electrical system for EV,Special support project CAS,1998-2000
5、 PEMFC power and self-control system bench, the 9th Five-Year Plan project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,1999-2001, Award:great Science and Technology project achievements in mechanism industry, the 9th Five-Year Plan project
6、 AC drive system for EV, Beijing science and technology committee,2001-2003
7、 Fuel Cell Power System and High Power DC-DC Converter,important innovation project CAS,2001-2003
8、 Motor and control system for HEV,863 first round project, State Ministry of Science and Technology,2002
9、 Pure electrical bus and drive unit, 863 first round project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology,2002-2003
10、 Research and development of drive unit , innovation Orient ion project, CAS,2002-2003
11、 Motor and control system for HEV , 863 second round project, State Ministry of Science and Technology,2003-2004
12、 ISA/ISG for EQ7200HEV, 863 second round project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,2003-2004,
13、 Pure electrical bus motor and control system, 863 second round project, State Ministry of Science and Technology ,2003-2005,
14、 Motor and control system for EQ7200HEV, 863 second round project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology ,2005
15、 Universal magnetic field Dual Mechanical Ports Electric Machines application in HEV,Institute director fund project ,2005-2006
16、 Motor and control system optimizer for EV ,Beijing science and technology committee, 2005-2007
Awards:2001 outstanding personal in the 9th Five-Year Plan project ,State Ministry of Science and Technology
2002 special government subsidy
2004 first round candidates of hundreds and thousands talents project for new century
2004 people representative of Haidian dist, Beijing
Publications:1、 Wen Xuhui,Hu Guangyan,Zhang Qin,Gu Linyun,Zhang Yu, AC Synchronous Motor Full Digital Vector Control, Proceeding of CSEE,2001.12
2、 Xue Shan,Wen Xunhui,Novel Multiphase SVPWM ,Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2006.2
3、 Wen Xuhui、Xu Zhijie etc. The Research on Electric System of the PEMFC Testing Mini Bus, EVS-18, 2001
4、 Wen Xuhui, Gao Jianhua, Hua Yang , The Influence for Field Orient of Rotor Resistance in Induction Motor,ICEMS2003
5、 HaiPing Xu, Li Kong, XuHui Wen, Fuel Cell Power System and High Power DC-DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2004
6、 Wen Xuhui,Zhao Feng, Fan Tao, Xu Longya,Research on Novel Electrical Variable Transmission Based on Dual Mechanical Port Electric Machines, Transactions of China electrotechnical society,2007.22(7)