Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameZhiping Qi Date of Birth1958   
SexFemale  DegreeM.Sc. 
Place of Birth  Professional Titleresearch fellow 
Tel86-10-82547106  Administrative TitleDirector assistant 
Other Title:Director of Electromechanical Integration Speciality Committee of China Electrotechnical Society
Research Directions:Advanced Energy Storage Technology and Application
Control Technology of Electromechanical Integration
Education and Work Experiences:She received the M.Sc. degree from Institute of Electrical Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, she is the research fellow and doctoral supervisor. She is mainly studying the mechanism-electron control technology, new style of energy storage and its application technology. Multiple achievements of scientific researches have been obtained on machine tool NC technology, and achieved remarkable economic benefit. From 1992 to 1993, she studied free-form surfaces machining technology in the University of Calgary, Canada as a visiting scholar. From 1994 to1995, she engaged in Study of the Numerical Control Technology Based on Industrial PC in the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. She has published more than 30 papers, and applied for more than ten national invention patents.
Projects:1. Project from Ministry of Science and Technology (863): Research on Key Technology in Supercapacitor Energy Storage in Renewable Energy Utility
2. Research on Dynamic Uninterruptable Power System Based on Super Capacitor
3. Cooperation Project between China and Germany: Research and Development of a pc-based CNC System
4. Research on High Energy Density Super Capacitor and its Energy Storage system
5. Project from Tianjin Economic Committee: Research and Development on Control System of CNC Screw Milling Machine
6. Research and Development on Automatic Program and Control System of Large linear cutting machine
7. Research and Development on Control System of Large automatic flame cutting machine
Main Achievements:She has fulfilled successfully the project supported by the national 863 Program ¡ª The Basic Research of Supercapacitor Power Storage System and some other projects.
She has published more than 30 papers and applied for more than ten national invention patents.
Publications:1¡¢Study on an actively controlled battery/ultracapacitor hybrid in stand-alone PV system£¬Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy£¬No.3£¬2006.
2¡¢Study on an actively controlled battery-ultracapacitor hybrid£¬Chinese High Technology Letters£¬No.12£¬2006.
3¡¢Study On A Stand-Alone Pv System With Ultracapacitor As Energy Storage Device£¬Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica£¬No.11,2006.
4¡¢Study On The Ultracapacitor/Battery Hybrid System£¬Chinese Journal of Power Sources, No.11,2006.
5¡¢Study on Ultracapacitor Energy Storage£¬Power System Technology , No.8,2006.
6¡¢Design of supercapacitors tank£¬Chinese Journal of Power Sources, No.4,2006.
7¡¢A novel voltage balancing method for series connected supercapacitor strings£¬Chinese Journal of Power Sources£¬No.6,2006.
8¡¢Voltage Balancing Strategy for Supercapacitor Power Storage System£¬Power System Technology£¬No.3,2007.