Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameZhifeng Wang Date of Birth   
SexMale  DegreeDoctor 
Place of BirthShaanxi  Professional TitleResearcher 
Tel86-10-62520684  Administrative TitleGroup leader 
Other Title:Member of National ¡°Tenth-plan¡±863 Sustainable Energy;
Expert Team, Experts committee of Ministry of Construction;
Team leader of ¡°research on solar thermal power technology and system
demonstration¡± of National 11th five-year plan;
Syndic of China Solar Energy Society;
Part-time professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Part-time professor of North China Electric Power University
Syndic of China Engineering Thermo physics Society
Standing Commissioner of Special group on Numerical Heat Transfer
Science of China Engineering Thermo physics Society
Member of International Solar Energy Society
Core Member of ISPRE
Chief Technical Advisor of Himin Solar Group
Syndic of China General Certification Center
Editor of Solar Energy College Journal
Editor of the Residence Industry
Editor of Renewable Energy
Research Directions:Concentration, flow and heat transfer in solar high temperature concentrating system, numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow process of heat exchanger, radiation and heat exchange in complex air medium, numerical simulation of heat transfer in complex geometric body, and methods of performance evaluation for solar thermal application
Education and Work Experiences:1981-1985 Building Material Industry College of Wu Han, Department of
Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering, Bachelor degree
1985-1987 Research& Design Institute of Gansu, Engineer
1987-1990 Wu Han University of Technology, Department of Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering, Master degree
1990-1993 Tsing Hua University, Engineering Thermophysics, Ph.D degree
1993-1996 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Department of Engineering thermophysics, Post-doctor
1996-2001 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice researcher
2002-2004 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Doctor Advisor
2005-present Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Researcher, Doctor Advisor
Projects:1) 2006-2010, National key project in China the 11th Five-year Plan, ¡°General design of solar thermal power technology and system integration¡±
2) 2006-2007, innovation project of CAS, ¡°Research on key technologies of solar thermal power system¡±
3) 2002-2008£¬National high-tech key project, ¡°Research on solar concentration method¡±
4) 2006-2007£¬FP6, ¡°Renewable Energy for Heat Supply in Dwellings with Individual and Local Heating Systems¡±£»
5) 2005-2007£¬China-Greece cooperative project£¬¡°Development and optimization of solar air-heating systems as energy source for mechanical drying facilities¡±£»
6) 2007-2010£¬Thematic project funded by Beijing Municipal government, ¡°Solar thermal power technology research and demonstration base construction¡±
Main Achievements:Many creative and innovative successes have been made in solar high-temperature concentrator, thermal performance evaluation of solar collectors, numerical simulation of heat transfer in complex geometric bodies, radiation and heat exchange, theoretical research on solid-liquid phase change, development of high-efficient heat exchange components and etc. More than 30 papers have been published and 5 invention patents have been possessed. Major achievements include:
1) Completion of solar dish power system overall design and equipment commissioning;
2) Completion of parabolic trough power system overall design and equipment commissioning;
3) Parabolic trough concentrator overall design and instantaneous simulation of thermal-technical performance;
4) Overall design of heliostat and wind load simulation;
5) Quick evaluation methods for thermal performance of solar collector;
6) Design of dehumidifying air conditioner using solar evacuated air collector;
7) Research on radiation, flow, conduction coupling and heat exchange on complex ship surfaces
Awards:Many creative and innovative successes have been made in solar high-temperature concentrator, thermal performance evaluation of solar collectors, numerical simulation of heat transfer in complex geometric bodies, radiation and heat exchange, theoretical research on solid-liquid phase change, development of high-efficient heat exchange components and etc. More than 30 papers have been published and 5 invention patents have been possessed. Major achievements include:
1) Completion of solar dish power system overall design and equipment commissioning;
2) Completion of parabolic trough power system overall design and equipment commissioning;
3) Parabolic trough concentrator overall design and instantaneous simulation of thermal-technical performance;
4) Overall design of heliostat and wind load simulation;
5) Quick evaluation methods for thermal performance of solar collector;
6) Design of dehumidifying air conditioner using solar evacuated air collector;
7) Research on radiation, flow, conduction coupling and heat exchange on complex ship surfaces
Publications:Zhifeng Wang,¡±The Research Status of Solar Thermal Power Technologies in China¡±, Proc. Of 13th International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, 20-23 June, 2006. Seville, Spain.

Zhifeng Wang, Liu Xiaobin, Zhang Xiliang, ¡°Accelerated Weathering Testing Conditions for Glass Reflective Mirrors for concentrating Solar Power Plants in China¡±, Proc. Of 13th International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies, 20-23 June, 2006. Seville, Spain.

Zhiyong Wu, Zhifeng Wang , Numerical Study of Wind Load for Heliostat.
Proceeding of The 2007 Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT-2007) October 17-21, 2007 Xi¡¯an, CHINA.

Chun Chang, Zhifeng Wang , Yong-Heack Kang, Jong-Kyu Kim, Xin L i , Fengwu Bai£¬Turbulent Heat Transfer in A Molten Salt Receiver Tube with Uniform and Nonuniform Heat Flux around The Circumference. Proceeding of The 2007 Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT-2007) October 17-21, 2007 Xi¡¯an, CHINA.

Zhifeng Wang, The Research Status of Solar Thermal Power Technologies in China£¬Proceeding of SolarPACES, 13th International Symposium, on Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies June 20-23, 2006 Seville, Spain

Zhifeng Wang, Xiaobin Liu, Xiliang Zhang, Accelerated Weathering Testing Conditions for Glass Reflective Mirrors for Concentrating Solar Power Plants in China, Proceeding of SolarPACES, 13th International Symposium, on Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies June 20-23, 2006 Seville, Spain

Hui Hong£¬Hongguang Jin, Zhifeng Wang and Ruixian Cai£¬¡°Solar Thermal Power Cycle with Integration of Methanol Decomposition and Middle-Temperature Solar Thermal Energy¡±£¬Solar Energy 78(2005) 49-58 ¡£

Jun Dong, ¦¦hifeng Wang, Optical Performance Analysis for Concentrating Solar Collector Applying Parabolic and Cylindrical Stationary Reflector, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Xin Li, Zhifeng Wang, Meimei Zhang, Chun Chang, The Experimental Analysis on Thermal Performance of a Solar Dish Concentrator, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Bowei Wang, Zhifeng Wang, Xing Li, Yi Ruan, A New Dynamic Test Method of Thermal Performance for Evacuated Tube Solar Collector, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Dongqiang Lei, Zhifeng Wang, Fengli Du, The Glass-to-metal Sealing Process in Parabolic Trough Solar Receivers, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Chun Chang, Zhifeng Wang, Xin Li, Fengwu Bai, Yong-Heack Kang, Jong-Kyu Kim, Analysis of The Turbulent Heat Transfer in Solar Power Tower Molten Salt Receiver Tube, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhifeng Wang, Zhihao Yao, Jun Dong, Hongguang Jin, Wei Han, Zhengwu Lu,¡¡Xiudong Wei, The Design of a 1 MW Solar Thermal Tower Plant in Beijing, China, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhihao Yao, Zhifeng Wang, Yong-Heack Kang, Jong-Kyu Kim, Xiudong Wei,Theoretical Simulation Investigation of The Pioneer 1 MW Solar Power Tower System in China, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Wenfeng Liang, Zhifeng Wang,Research on Tracking Precision of The Heliostat, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Wenfeng Liang, Zhifeng Wang,Several Experiences on Automatic Sun Tracking System, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007. Xiliang Zhang, Xiaobin Liu, Zhifeng Wang,Research of The Heliostat Cleaning Method, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Xin Li, Zhifeng Wang, Jian Yu, Xiaobing Liu, Jian Li, Xiaona Song,The Power Performance Experiment of Dish-stirling Solar Thermal Power System, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Minghuan Guo, Zhifeng Wang, Zhenwu Lu,The Optical Designing Method and The Concentrating Performance Analysis for a Toroidal Heliostat with Spinning-elevation Sun Tracking, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Chuncheng Zang, Zhifeng Wang, Xiaobing Liu, Xiliang Zhang, Yanzhong Wang,Design and Analysis of Heliostat Support Structure , Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Xiaobin Liu, Chuncheng Zang, Xiliang Zhang, Zhifeng Wang,A Study on Non-metallic Structure of Heliostat, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhifeng Wang, Zhiyong Wu, Xiaobin Liu, Zhengnong Li,Wind Dynamics Testing on Dahan Heliostat, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhang Meimei, Wang Zhifeng, Xin Mingyi, Xu Yunsong,The Method of Economic Evaluation About Solar Water Heater, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Xing Li, Zhifeng Wang,Test System for Domestic Water Heating System According to the Standard ISO9459-2, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Rong Dai, Chang Cun, Zhibin Xu, Xiaobing Liu, ¦¦hifeng Wang,Application of Solar Heating System in Biogas Production, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhang Meimei, Wang Zhifeng, Xin Mingyi, Xu Yunsong, A Study on Preferential Renewable Energy in Beijing, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Zhang Meimei, Xin Mingyi, Du Fengli, Xu Yunsong,Study of Biomass Development Potential and Sustainability in Beijing, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Fengwu Bai, Zhifeng Wang,Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer Process of Solid Media Thermal Energy Storage Unit, Proc of 2007 Solar World Congress, Beijing, 18-21 September 2007.

Hui Hong£¬Hongguang Jin, Zhifeng Wang and Ruixian Cai £¬Solar Thermal Power Cycle with Integration of Methanol Decomposition and Middle-Temperature Solar Thermal Energy£¬Solar Energy 78£¬ 49-58£¬2005
Seville, Spain.

Hui Hong£¬Hongguang Jin, Zhifeng Wang and Ruixian Cai £¬Solar Thermal Power Cycle with Integration of Methanol Decomposition and Middle-Temperature Solar Thermal Energy£¬Solar Energy 78£¬ 49-58£¬2005¡£