Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameHonghua Xu Date of Birth   
SexMale  DegreeMaster 
Place of Birth  Professional TitleProfessor 
Tel82547008/7026  Administrative TitleDeputy Director of IEE 
Other Title:Deputy Director of Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science (IEE, CAS) and Director and Chief Professor for Renewable Energy Department.
President of Beijing Corona Sciences & Technology CO., Ltd. (Corona).
Director of Beijing Jikedian Renewable Energy Development Center (JKD).
Director of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems Quality Test Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Vice Director of China Renewable Energy Industry Association and China Renewable Energy Society Industry Committee.
Member of Board of Directors, PV Specialist Committee of China Renewable Energy Society.
Member of China Wind-Machinery Standardization Committee.
Member of Technology Committee of National Wind Power Engineering Technology Research Center.
Key Expert of National 863 Program Energy Technology Region Sustainable Energy Technology Subject (Management).
Research Directions:Grid-connected and independent operation of wind power, solar power and hybrid power design and control technology, economic and policy research of renewable energy including wind power generating units electrical control, wind power concentration and remote monitoring, wind-solar complementary power plant etc.
Education and Work Experiences:Nearly 20 years working experience in rural electrification with renewable energy, such as photovoltaic, wind, and photovoltaic-wind hybrid systems.
Policy studies on rural electrification by renewable energy.
Expertise in photovoltaic, wind, and photovoltaic-wind hybrid village power systems.
Expertise in solar home systems (SHS).
Expertise in other stand-along and grid-connected PV technologies.
Project management.
Monitoring and evaluation/quality assurance.
Central and local government working relations.
Conducting technical training in remote locations of China
Renewable energy consultant.
Projects:2007,Design of technically and financially viable business models for long-term sustainable operation of photovoltaic and photovoltaic-hybrid facilities installed under the San Dian Diao Xiang (SDDX) Programme.
2007,NDRC/ GEF/ The World Bank China Renewable Energy Development Project (REDP)---2007 PV Testing Technology & Products Quality Certification Training Program.
2007,Support for grid-connected roof-top solar photovoltaic demonstration on 2008 Olympic Gymnasiums Project.
Since 2006,Team leader of the Eleventh Five-Years R&D Project: 1MW grid-connected Building Integrated PV(BIPV) demonstration system and key technologies development for Beijing Olympic Game, 1MW grid-connected PV demonstration system and key technologies development for Gobi and Desert areas in Tibet.
2006,NDRC/ GEF/ The World Bank China Renewable Energy Development Project (REDP)---2006 PV Testing Technology Training Program.
2005,Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Off-grid Renewable Energy Technologies in China Project.
2004-2006,State Tenth Five -Years R&D Project: Controller Development for 750kW Wind Turbines, financed by Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST).
2004-2006,State Tenth Five -Years R&D Project: 100kW PV grid-connected technologies demonstration project in Desert and Gobi area.
2004-2005,2004/2005 NDRC/ GEF/ The World Bank China Renewable Energy Development Project (REDP) PV Product Quality and Reputation Concerns Project.
2004,State Tenth Five-Year R&D Project: 100kW BIPV demonstration project for Beijing Olympic Game.
Publications:Numerous publication and reports, including:
China Wind Power Development and Vision, in: China Science and Technology Achievements, 2007.
Design of BI-Branch Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter With MPPT, in: ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA 2006, 8(27), pp. 824-827.
Research on method of tracking the maximum power points for a photovoltaic conversion system, in: China International Conference on Electrical Distribute, 2006; 9, pp. 17-20
Research on SAPF Based on Cascade H Bridge Five-Level Converter, in: Transactions of China Electrotechnical SOCIETY, 2006, 2, pp. 79-82.
The Incentive Policy Research of Economy on Wind Power Generation in: China Environmental Science Press, 2002.
Technical Standard of Wind Power Generator Controller System, August 1998.
1999 China New energy and Renewable Energy White Book, China Planning Press, 1998.
First Period Action Plan of Brightness Program 1999.
Optimal Tip-Speed Ratio Control of Stand-alone Operating Wind Turbine System, in: Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, No.1, the 19th roll, 1998.
Utilization Status and Development Program of Photovoltaic Technology in China, in: APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer and Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Seminar, Santiago, Chile 3-6 March, 1997.
30 kW Wind/Photovoltaic Hybrid Generating System, Beijing International Conference on Wind Energy, Proc. of 1995.