Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameShenghong Ma Date of BirthMay.05.1950   
SexMale  Degreecollege£¬ visiting scholar 
Place of Birth  Professional TitleProfessor 
Tel010-82547056  Administrative TitleGroup leader  
Other Title:• Director of National Wind Turbine Technology Standardization Committee of China;
• Member of National Wind Turbine Technology Standardization Committee of China;
• Member of National PV Technology Standardization Committee of China.
Research Directions:♦ Research and counsultat services for RE related policy study and program design£»
♦ Feasibility research of solar/wind power generation progect
♦ Training technicians for renewable energy power£»
♦ Off-Grid wind/solar power and other advanced renewable energy power technology£»
♦ Monitoring technology research for off-gird wind/solar power plants on site£»
Education and Work Experiences:Education£º
1973¡«1976£º Inner Mongolian Industrial University
1983¡«1985£º Lincoln College, Canterbury University, New Zealand study inwind energy application as visiting scholar
Other Training£º
1990£º measure- technology for wind test field in Germanscher Lloyd, Hamburg ,Germany
1994£º planning and management of renewable energy project in ISET, Kassel, Germany.
2000£º RE training system in NREL, USA

Employment Record£º
From 2006 to now
Employer£º Institute of Electrical Engineering of CAS,
Position Held and Description of Duties£º Director of Consult & Training Center of Renewable Energy Power,Director of PMO of Sino-German Cooperation Program
From 2004 till 2005
Employer£º Institute of Electrical Engineering of CAS,
Position Held and Description of Duties£º Vice director of PV and Wind Power System Test & Evaluation Center ,in charge of the technical issues of the center, Director of PMO of Sino-German Cooperation Program
From 2000 till 2004
Employer£º Beijing Jikedian Renewable Energy Development Center , IEE of CAS
Position Held and Description of Duties£º Vice director in charge of consultant service projects;
From 1992 to 2000
Employer£º Livestock Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry,
Position Held and Description of Duties£º Chief Engineer in charge of the technical issues of the institute V
Projects:2007 Chief of the World Bank project :¡°Design Assistance for China Renewable Energy Village Electrification Program¡±
2007 Leader of Training Course for Provincial Trainers of Off-grid PV/Wind Technology sponsored by China Employment Training Technical Instruction Centre
2007 Chief of elaborating 5 reports: ¡°Proposal for RE Rural Power Development¡±, ¡°Proposal for Quality Control of Off-grid Systems in Chain¡±, ¡°Study on Cross-subsidy Scheme for Off-grid RE Systems¡±, ¡°Study on Related Standards and Regulations for Off-grid RE Technologies¡±, ¡°Evaluation on Tendering Documents for Rural RE Projects¡±
2006 Director of Consult & Training Centre of RE Power, IEE,CAS, set up the facility of the training including the training Lab.
2006 Papers: ¡°Implementation Mechanism of the Solar Energy Program in the Western China of the Sino-German Cooperation and the Progress¡±, ¡°Tool for Optimization and Subsidy Calculation for Off-grid PV/Wind Systems in the Western China¡±, ¡°Forecast for the Increasing Requirement of the Rural Power of China and the Proposals of the Count measures ¡±
2006 Team leader of elaborating ¡°Proposal for Integrating RE Curriculum into Education System of China ¡±, ¡° Investigation Report on Operators and End-users of Stand-alone PV Mini-grid Systems ¡±, ¡°Feasibility Study Report for Establishing RE Vocational Training Facility in China¡±, ¡°Evaluation Report on Standalone PV Mini-grid Systems in China¡±
2006 Chief consultant for the ¡°Solar Energy Program in the Western China¡± of KfW, acceptance services for 64 PVH systems in Yunnan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu.
2005£ºTeam leader of elaborating a ¡°Proposal for Off-grid Cross-subsidy Policy¡± for NDRC£»
2005£ºTeam leader of elaborating the ¡°Study Report of Sustainable Training Facility for Rural RE Electrification ¡± for NDRC
2004-2005£ºTeam leader of Elaborating ¡°11-5 PV Development of China¡±for NDRC, supported by US Energy Foundation£¬GTZ and WWF
2004£º Survey on the REDP Project Reputation of Market and Quality of Products from the Main Certified Enterprises in Four Provinces ( Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai ) for the World Bank
2004£º Chief editor of the training manual (Trainee¡¯s Book ) ¡°PV, Wind and Hybrid Power System of Village Mini-grid ¡± for NDRC and MOST
2004£º Team leader for ¡°Policy Proposal for Development of PV Scale Application through People¡¯s Congress¡± financially supported by WWF and GTZ
2004£º Team leader for ¡°Study & Elaboration of the Project Proposal for 8 MWp PV Array Grid-connection in Gansu Province¡± financed by WWF and GDRC
Since 2003£º Director of the National Project Management Office for Sino-German Cooperation program¡°Renewable Energies in Rural Areas¡±of NDRC
2003£º Chief editor of the training manual ( Teacher¡¯s Book ) ¡°PV, Wind and Hybrid Power System of Village Mini-grid ¡± for NDRC and MOST financially supported by NREL
2003£º Project leader of ¡° Study for Marketing Mechanism of Wind / PV Hybrid Home Systems in Inner Mongolia ¡± financially supported by WWF
Since 2000£º Chinese team leader of SDPC- NREL cooperation on ¡° Support Brightness Program ¡±
Since July 2001£º Chief consultant expert for Sino-German Solar Village Program in Xinjiang,Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu provinces (KfW¡ªMOF)
2001~ 2003£º Project leader of ¡°Survey of Off-grid Wind Energy Application in 8 Provinces of China ¡± ( UNDP )
1999~2002£º managing to draft 62 national standards for wind turbines to form a complete standard systems
1999~ 2001£º Chief writer of ¡°The Plan of the First Phase of the Brightness Program¡±
1999~2000£º Project leader of ¡°Evaluation of Wind Power Development in China , Selected Case Study¡± financed by the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF )
since 1999£º Member of expert group of SDPC for Brightness Program
1990~1998£º Chinese Project Manager of Sino-German(GTZ) cooperation project (Use of Wind and Solar Energy in China)
-wind/solar resource measurement and evaluation
-study of power requirement in remote area of Inner Mongolia
-renewable energy systems development for remote villages, individuals as well as islands
-system demonstrations
1989~1993£º Project leader of wind measurement and evaluation at 20 typical sites of Inner Mongolia
1988~1992£º Chinese project manager of Sino-German (BMFT) cooperation project
-jointly set up Saihantala Test Field
-install wind and solar measurement system, long-term measurement system, short-term measurement system and training facility
-effect measurements
-demonstrate various isolated wind/PV systems
1985~1986£º Chief designer of Saihantala Test Field of WECS
1979~1980£º Rotor designer of FD-5.2 wind pumping system
1977~1978£º Leader of 500 W wind charger development team
Main Achievements:- Organized ¡®The Eleven Five-Year PV Development Planning Proposals of China¡¯ research and wrote the report£»
- Organized Gansu program and wrote the ¡°Study & Elaboration of the Project Proposal for 8 MWp PV Array Grid-connection in Gansu Province ¡° research report£»
- As the editor-in-chief, published ¡®PV/Wind and Hybrid Village Power System¡¯ (Teacher book) and (Student book)£»
- Organized World Bank ¡®Design Assistance for China Renewable Energy Village Electrification Program¡¯ consultation services project and completed many reports highly appraised by National Development and reform Commission (NDRC)£»
- Completed ¡®China Bright Engineering Project-Stage One Action Plan£»
- As the Director of China Wind Power Machines Standardization Committee, organized to draft 62 standards of China Wind Power System Quality Standard System
Awards:Group chief in national ¡®Eighth-Five¡¯ key sci-tech research project ¡®Intelligent Wind/Diesel/Storage Standalone Power Supply System Research¡¯, Third-class Award by original Ministry of Machines Industry
Publications:1. Ma Shenghong, The Eleven Five-Year PV Development Planning of China, submitted to NDRC in 2005/10;
2. Ma Shenghong, Feasibility Research of 8MWp On-gird PV Power System Construction in Gansu Dunhuang Qili Town, to World Natural Fund in 2004/8;
3. Ma Shenghong, Marketing Operation Mechanism of Off-grid Wind/PV Hybrid Household Power Supply System in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to World Natural Fund in 2003/10;
4. Ma Shenghong as editor-in-chief, PV/Wind Hybrid Village Power Supply System, course book designated by NDRC and Ministry of Science and Technology and published by China Electric Power Press;
5. Ma Shenghong, Dong Wenjuan, necessity and proposals of developing renewable power in China¡¯s rural areas, China Energy-2008/2;
6. Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Wang Sicheng, Strategic position and future development of PV Power in China¡¯s electrical resources structure, China Construction Solar& Renewable Energy Sources, 2007/1;
7. Ma Shenghong, Implementation Research of power pricing based on energy efficiency, green power and fair allocation£¬China Construction Solar& Renewable Energy Sources , 2004/8;
8. Ma Shenghong, Sino-Germany Fiscal Cooperative ¡®Western PV Villages¡¯Project stepping into system installation stage, Solar Energy, 2004/4;
9. Ma Shenghong, Xu Honghua, Discussion on China¡¯s PV Industry Development, Solar Energy , 2003/6;
10.Ma Shenghong, Xu Honghua, Discussion on China¡¯s PV Industry Development, ,Electricity, English Version, 2004/2;
11.Ma Shenghong, Lu Huyu, PV Power Generation Technology (5)¡ªPV Power Generation System Controller, Popular Utilization of Electricity, 2006/5;
12.Ma Shenghong, Lu Huyu, PV Power Generation Technology(4)¡ªEnergy Storage, Popular Utilization of Electricity , 2006/4;
13.Ma Shenghong, Lu Huyu, PV Power Generation Technology(3)¡ªSolar Batteries, components and PV modules, Popular Utilization of Electricity, 2006/3;
14.Ma Shenghong, Lu Huyu, Solar Energy and Radiation, Popular Utilization of Electricity, 2006/2;
15.Ma Shenghong, Lu Huyu, PV Power Generation Technology(1)¡ªPV Power Generation and PV Power System, Popular Utilization of Electricity , 2006/1;
16.Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Scale-based power pricing Drives China¡¯s PV Power Development, Solar Energy, 2005/1;
17.Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Strategic position and future development of PV Power in China¡¯s electrical resources structure, Solar Energy, 2005/4;
18.Yin Huanying, Ma Shenghong, Application of Fuzzy Control in Wind/PV Hybrid System Load Management, Renewable Energy, 2005/4;
19.Ma Shenghong, Feasibility Analysis of Across-grid Amortization of Premium Cost of Power generation from Wind, Biomass and PV, Energy of China, 2005/10;
20.Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Strategic position and future development of PV Power in China¡¯s electrical resources structure, China Electrical Equipment Industry, 2005/6;
21.Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Strategic position and future development of PV Power in China¡¯s electrical resources structure, Energy of China, 2005/6;
22.Ma Shenghong, Xu Honghua, Overview of PV Power Generation, Solar Energy, 2004/1;
23.Ma Shenghong, Zhao Yuwen, Proposals on scale-based power pricing to drive China¡¯s PV power generation, Energy of China, 2004/11;
24.Ma Shenghong, China¡¯s PV Industry Prospects and Policy Proposals, China Electrical Equipment Industry, 2004/10;
25.Ma Shenghong, Reform Power Pricing to Drive Green Power, Solar Energy, 2004/5