Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


NameTao Song Date of BirthAugust 1968   
SexMale  DegreePh.D 
Place of BirthShandong, China  Professional TitleProfessor 
Tel010-82547164  Administrative Title  
Research Directions:Bioelectromagnetics
Permanent magnetic technique and application
Education and Work Experiences:Ph.D., Control theory and application, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, June 1994.
M.E., Control theory and application, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jan. 1991
B.S., Control theory, Shandong University, June 1988

Jan 2000 to precent: worked for Department of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main works are study the effects of magnetic field on organism (Bioelectromagnetics) and develop new electromagnetic technology on medical.
June 1994 to Dec 1999: worked for Division of Applied Permanent Magnet, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main works are designing and building magnets for MRI system.
Nov. 1999: was engaged as Professor.
Projects: Project of Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ¡°Research on Electromagnetic Bioengineering¡±, 2001-2004
 National Natural Science Foundation of China ¡°Effects of driving magnetic field on ATP synthase¡±, 2003-2006
 Human Frontier Science Program ¡°Biogenesis, function and application of bacterial magnetic organelle¡± (RGP0035/2004-C104, Cooperated with Laboratoire de Chimie Bact¨¦rienne, CNRS, France and Kanazawa University, Japan), 2004-2008
 High-Tech research and development program of China (863) ¡°Research on a new type of magnetotactic bacterium-like micro robotic system¡± £¨2006AA04Z249£©
Main Achievements:In the project ¡°Permanent Magnet System for Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) (including initial anti-coincidence specimen data)¡±, my main responsibility is to calculate the magnetic field of AMS magnet and analyse its dipole moment.
In the Project of Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ¡°Research on Electromagnetic Bioengineering¡±, I take charge of researching the biological effects of electromagnetic field and their mechanism, especially the neural incretion mechanism of analgesic effects of electromagnetic fields.
Awards:2000: Second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award;
1999: First prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award issued by Chinese Academy of Science.
Publications:[1] AMS Collaboration. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I--results from the test flight on the space shuttle. Physics Reports, 2002, 366: 331-405.
[2] Song T.*, Wang Z., Zhao D., Zhu Q., Huo X. and Xiao L. Rotating permanent magnetic fields exposure system for in vitro study. IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, 2004, 14(2): 1643-1646.
[3] Xu T., Yang W., Huo X. L. and Song T*. Abnormal spectra alteration observed in triton calibration method for measuring [Ca2+]i with fluorescence indicator, fura-2. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 2004, 58(3): 219-226.
[4] Shi Y., Bao X., Huo X., Shen Z. and Song T*. 50 Hz magnetic field (0.1 mT) alters c-fos mRNA expression of early post implantation mouse embryos and serum estradiol levels of gravid mice. Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. 2005, 74(2) : 196-200.
[5] Xu H., Song T.*, Bao X. Hu L. Site-directed research of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic drug targeting. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2005, 293(1) : 514-519.
[6] Dan Wu, Changzhe Wu, Jiachang Yue, Ming Wang, Tao Song. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Biomolecule Identification Technique Based on Molecular Motors and GMR Effect. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2006, 1001-1005
[7] Bao X., Shi Y., Huo X. and Song T*. A possible involvement of ¦Â-endorphin, substance P, and serotonin in rat analgesia induced by extremely low frequency magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics. 2006, 27(6): 467-472.
[8] Zhao Luze, Wu Dan, Wu Longfei, Song Tao*. A simple and accurate method for quantification of magnetosomes in magnetotactic bacteria by common spectrophotometer. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods, 2007, 70(3): 363-368.
[9] Wang Zhe, Yu Yang, Wang Qiuliang, and Song Tao. A Novel Rotating Magnetic Field Generator for Driving Magnetic Micro-Machine. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 2008, 18(2): 887-890
[10] Xiao K. Wang, Qiu F. Ma, Wei Jiang, Jing Lv, Wei D. Pan, Tao Song*, Long-Fei Wu. Effects of hypomagnetic field on magnetosome formation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2008, 25(8) (in press).