
  日期:2007-01-08     【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色) 】  【字体:

超导材料及强磁场科学研究组 组长:马衍伟 研究员
  可用于超级电容器     新型锰氧化物薄膜的    强磁场合成Fe2O3磁   110长铁铜复合     纳米C掺杂MgB2  
  MnO2纳米球      磁场热处理研究        性纳米管       MgB2超导线        超导线性能     
  自2004年2月以来,在国家基金委、中科院及科技部等的共同支持下,该研究组在超级电容器纳米关键材料探索及其制备技术新型超导材料制备技术以及强磁场下新材料合成方面做出了有特色的工作建立了完备的新材料制备平台和国内一流的强磁场极端条件下新材料合成研究的设备迄今已发表40多篇SCI文章其中一篇入选2007 第一届中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文申请国际发明专利2国家发明专利20多项已获授权3项    








  近几年来,所在课题组在超级电容器关键电极材料探索及其制备技术方面开展了许多有价值的工作,如1)采用高价离子水热矿化法制备出多种二氧化锰空心或实心纳米球型结构,并系统研究了其作为新型超级电容器电极材料的电化学性能,从而为纳米储能材料的制备提供了一条简单、有效而且可调的新方法,相关工作发表在美国化学会主办的杂志《Crystal Growth & Design》 9 (2009) 528上。2)采用剥离重组法制备出聚吡咯插层二氧化锰纳米复合材料,其导电率提高了4~5个数量级,电化学性能也得到了明显的改善,相关工作发表美国电化学会主办的杂志《Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters》12 (2009) A95上。3)最近,采用化学还原法成功制备出高稳定性有机溶剂分散的石墨烯材料,同时采用电泳沉积法获得了高导电性的石墨烯薄膜,为其在新型薄膜超级电容器领域的应用奠定了坚实基础,该工作即将发表在英国皇家化学会主办的杂志《Chemical Communications》上。 


     2008年4月,采用粉末装管方法,我们研制出世界上第一根新型铁基超导La(O1-xFx)FeAs线材。在此基础上,通过优化工艺条件,制备出了转变温度高达52 K 的Sm(O1-xFx)FeAs线材,其上临界场(0K)超过120 T,显示出该材料在高场磁体中的应用潜力。上述工作发表在国际超导领域的主流杂志《Supercond. Sci. Technol.》上,被编辑选作《超导科技》杂志的封面文章,同时也被评选为2008年的“亮点文章”之一。另外,我们还发现了两种新型铁基超导体:Eu1-xNaxFe2As2(35 K)和SmFe1-xCoxAsO(15K),受到了国际同行的关注。 


  利用实验室的强磁体设备优势,首次将强磁场热处理技术应用于REBCO 和MgB2超导体制备过程,改进了上述材料的超导性能。利用强磁场成功制备出g-Fe2O3磁性纳米管,研究了这些纳米结构的形成机制。在高温强磁场下发现了新型钙YNixMn1-xO3薄膜晶粒快速长大行为,制备出性能优异的磁性材料。在Chem. Mater.、Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际一流期刊上发表多篇文章,引起国际同行的关注。

Paper list

1. Peng Yu, Xiong Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Lei Wang, and Yanwei Ma, “Shape-Controlled Synthesis of 3D Hierarchical MnO2 Nanostructures for Electrochemical Supercapacitors”,Cryst. Growth Des., 9 (2009) 528.

2. Yanpeng Qi, Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, “Superconductivity at 34.7 K in the iron arsenide Eu0.7Na0.3Fe2As2”,New J. Phys., 10 (2008) 123003.

3. Zijie Yan, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Junhong Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Peng Yu, and Tao Song, “Impact of annealing on morphology and ferromagnetism of ZnO nanorods”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (2008) 081911.

4. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, K. Watanabe, “Influence of sintering temperature on the superconducting properties of Zn stearate doped MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 21 (2008) 015016

5. Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Yanwei Ma, Zhiping Qi and Kazuo Watanabe, “The doping effect of activated carbon on the superconducting properties of MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 21 (2008) 075008

6. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Junhong Wang, S Awaji, K. Watanabe, Boyang Liu, “Hollow carbon spheres as an efficient dopant for enhancing the critical current density of MgB2-based tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 21 (2008) 105020

7. Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, “Preparation of LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 wires by the powder-in-tube method”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 21 (2008) 105024

8. Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, “Superconducting properties of granular SmFeAsO1-xFx wires with Tc = 52 K prepared by the powder-in-tube method”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 112001

9. Yanpeng Qi, Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, “Superconductivity in Co-doped SmFeAsO”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 115016

10.Li XH, Ye LY, Jin MJ, Du XJ, Gao ZS, Zhang ZC, Kong LQ, Yang XL, Xiao LY, Ma YW, “High critical current joint of MgB2 tapes using Mg and B powder mixture as flux”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 025017

11.Badica P, Aldica G, Craciunescu T, Tiseanu I, Ma Y, Togano K, “Microstructure of MgB2 samples observed by x-ray microtomography”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 115017

12.Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Lei Wang, Wei Liu, and Chunru Wang,“Strongly enhanced current-carrying performance in MgB2 tape conductors by C60 doping”, J. Appl. Phys., 103 (2008) 103915

13.Yu Zhengguang, Yang Bangchao,“Morphological investigation on cobalt oxide powder prepared by wet chemical method”, Mater. Lett. 62 (2008) 211

14.Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Lei Wang and K. Watanabe, “Effect of fabrication process on the superconducting properties of MgB2 tapes”, PHYSICA C,468 (2008) 1809-1812

15.Zijie Yan, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Junhong Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, and Tao Song, “Surfactant-Free Fabrication of ZnO Spheres and Pseudospherical Structures”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (2008) 9219

16.Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang wang, Lei Wang,“Comparative study of different chemical doping effect on the Jc-B properties of MgB2 tapes”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 97 (2008) 012118

17.Lei Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Yanpeng Qi, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang and Yanwei Ma, “Structural and critical current properties in polycrystalline SmFeAsO1−xFx”,   Supercond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2009) 015019

18.Junhong Wang, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Yigang Zhou, Tao Song, “Templating synthesis of waxberried hematite hollow spheres”, Mater. Lett. 63 (2009) 209

1. Junhong Wang, Yanwei Ma, K. Watanabe, “Magnetic-field-induced synthesis of magnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanotubes”, Chem. Mater. 20 (2008) 20-22.
2. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, K. Watanabe, “Influence of sintering temperature on the superconducting properties of Zn stearate doped MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21 (2008) 015016.
3. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Haihu Wen, K. Watanabe, “Influence of oxygen contents of carbohydrate dopants on connectivity and critical current density in MgB2 tapes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 162504.
4. Zhengguang Yu, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Zhaoshun, Gao, “Fabrication of a 19-filament Fe/Cu clad MgB2 wire via in situ powder-in-tube method”, Chinese Science Bulletin 52 (2007) 2621-2625.
5. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, K. Watanabe, Jiandong Guo, “Fabrication and superconducting properties of nano-SiC doped MgB2 tapes”, Chinese Science Bulletin 52 (2007) 2477-2480.
6. 禹争光,马衍伟,王栋梁,高召顺,张现平,K. Watanabe, 黄伟文, “高性能MgB2长线材制备及性能表征”, 物理学报, 56 (2007) 6680-6684.
7. Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, K. Watanabe, Haihu Wen, and E. Mossang, “Enhanced high-field performance in MgB2/Fe tapes using inexpensive stearic acid additives”, J. Mater. Res. 22 (2007) 2987-2991.
8. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, DongliangWang, Zhengguang Yu, and Lei Wang, “Systematic study on the microstructures, electrical and superconducting properties of carbon doped MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) 1198-1204.
9. O. Pena, Yanwei Ma, M. Guilloux-Viry and C. Moure, “Magnetization reversal in Gd0.67Ca0.33MnO3: Comparison between epitaxial thin films and bulk”, Applied Surface Science 254 (2007) 339-342.
10. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang wang, Zhengguang Yu, Satoshi Awaji, Gen Nishijima, and Kazuo Watanabe,“Effect of Nano-C Doping on the Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning of MgB2 Tapes”,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 (2007) 2915.
11. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang wang, Zhengguang Yu, S. Awaji, and K. Watanabe,"Bi Addition Effect on Jc-B Performance of Powder-in-Tube Processed MgB2 Tapes”,IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 (2007) 2925.
12. Aixia Xu, Yanwei Ma, Dongliang Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Xianping Zhang, K. Watanabe, “Improved flux pinning and high critical current density in Fe-sheathed MgB2 wires and tapes by carbon nanotube doping”, Physica C 466 (2007) 190-195.
13. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, E Mossang, “Enhancement of the critical current density and the irreversibility field in maleic anhydride doped MgB2 based tapes”, J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 013914.
14. Dongliang Wang, Yanwei Ma, Zhengguang Yu, Zhaoshun Gao, Xianping Zhang, K. Watanabe, and E. Mossang, “Strong influence of precursor powder on the critical current density of Fe-sheathed MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) 574-578.
15. Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, K. Watanabe, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, “Strongly enhanced critical current density in MgB2/Fe tapes by stearic acid and stearate doping”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) 485-489.
16. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, G. Nishijima, K. Watanabe, Jiandong Guo, “Comparative Studies of Nanoscale SiC Whisker and Si/N/C Doped MgB2 Tapes”, Materials Science Forum, 546-549 (2007), 2041-2045.
17. Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, S. Awaji, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, G. Nishijima, K. Watanabe, “Large irreversibility field in nanoscale C-doped MgB2/Fe tape conductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) L5-L8.
18. Zhaoshun Gao, Xianping Zhang, Dongliang Wang, Xi Liu, Xiaohang Li, Yanwei Ma, E Mossang, “Effects of NbC doping on the critical current density of MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 (2007) 57-61.
19. Xiaohang Li, Xiaoji Du, Ming Qiu, Yanwei Ma, Liye Xiao, “Design and experimental demonstration of an MgB2 based 1.5 T MRI test magnet”, Physica C 463 (2007) 1338-1341. 

1. Yanwei Ma, Aixia Xu, Xiaohang Li, Xianping Zhang, M. Guilloux-Viry, O. Peña, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, “Improved properties of epitaxial YNixMn1-xO3 films by annealing under high magnetic fields”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (2006) 152505.Download
2. Xianping Zhang, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Zhengguang Yu, Yanwei Ma, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, “Improved critical current densities in MgB2 tapes with ZrB2 doping”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (2006) 132510.Download
3. Yanwei Ma, Liye Xiao, Luguang Yan, “Application of high magnetic fields in advanced materials processing”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, Vol.51, No. 24, pp.2944-2950.Download
4. Yanwei Ma, Liangzhen Lin, Liye Xiao, “Recent advances of HTS power application research at IEE”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43 (2006) 772-775.Download
5. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Aixia Xu, Yulei Jiao, Ling Xiao, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, Huan Yang, Haihu Wen, “Effect of nano-C doping on the in-situ processed MgB2 tapes”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43 (2006) 99-102.Download
6. Yanwei Ma, “Doping effects of ZrC and ZrB2 in the powder-in-tube processed MgB2 tapes”, Chinese Science Bulletin 51 (2006) 2669-2672.Download
7. Aixia Xu , Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Xiaohang Li, G. Nishijima, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, “Superconducting properties of MgB2 bulks processed in high magnetic fields”, Physica C 445–448 (2006) 811–813.
8. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Zhengguang Yu, G. Nishijima, K. Watanabe, “Enhancement of JC-B Properties in MoSi2 doped MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) 699–702.Download
9. Yanwei Ma, M. Guilloux-Viry, P. Barahona, O. Peña, C. Moure, J.Ghilane, P. Hapiot, “YNixMn1-xO3 thin films by pulsed-laser deposition: Structure and magnetic properties”, Thin Solid Films 510 (2006) 275-279.Download
10. Yanwei Ma, Aixia Xu, Xiaohang Li, Xianping Zhang, Satoshi Awaji and Kazuo Watanabe, “Enhanced critical current density of MgB2 superconductor synthesized in high magnetic fields”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) L493-496.Download
11. Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Zhaoshun Gao, Zhengguang Yu, G. Nishijima, K.Watanabe, "Effect of different nanoscale materials doping on critical current properties of in-situ processed MgB2 tapes", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) 479-483.Download
12. Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, G. Nishijima, K. Watanabe, S. Awaji, Xuedong Bai, “Significantly enhanced critical current densities in MgB2 tapes made by a scaleable nanocarbon addition route”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 072502.Download
13. Yanwei Ma, Xianping Zhang, Aixia Xu, Xiaohang Li, Liye Xiao, G. Nishijima, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, Yulei Jiao, Ling Xiao, Xuedong Bai, Kehui Wu and Haihu Wen, “Effect of ZrSi2 and SiC doping on microstructure and Jc-B properties of PIT processed MgB2 tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) 133-137.Download
14. 马衍伟,高召顺,“ZrC和ZrB2掺杂对PIT法制备MgB2带材的影响”,科学通报,vol.51, No.16, 2006, pp.1958-1960.Download


